First In-Game Screens of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U

By Az Elias 03.06.2015 4

First In-Game Screens of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shin'en has revealed brand-new in-game screens of its upcoming futuristic speed racer for Wii U.

FAST Racing Neo, a sequel to the WiiWare title FAST: Racing League, gives off a very familiar F-Zero vibe in these alpha shots, and is on course to release in 2015 for Nintendo's home console.

Shin'en has previously stated that the game will run at 60 frames per second, despite looking impossible to do so when the team initially starting working on the project.

Check out the latest snaps below.

Image for First In-Game Screens of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U
Image for First In-Game Screens of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U
Image for First In-Game Screens of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U
Box art for Fast Racing Neo








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Looking good! I was starting to get worried this was quietly cancelled.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Looks great! Hopefully it will be a decent replacement for F-Zero.

Our member of the week

It's hard to judge of anything with the amount of motion blur applied. Seems almost too much I must say.

The original played very different from F-Zero (and not as fast) so I doubt it'll be a replacement for F-Zero but it will certainly fill a gap in the system's library for futuristic racers.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I only ever tried the demo out on the Wii version, but thinking back, for whatever reason I didn't like how the game played. It was enough to turn me off from buying it. I can't quite remember what it was though.

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