Anything that partners Nintendo and Google stronger I thinks a good thing for both companies.
They have strengths that matches the others weakness.
I would hope it extends to more then just apps, however, as Google has plenty of nifty hardware projects that have gaming potential.
MagicLeap? Tango? That radar-on-a-chip thing just announced?
Also, while not as strongly as Microsoft has, Google has made efforts towards the "one platform" idea. That is, the same code running on both desktops and mobile systems.
This same idea would be very usefull for Nintendo, as at the very least it makes porting games vastly easier, or even making them run on both home and portables.
That SAID I dont expect full merging of home and portables yet - because its not all about code and processing power.
Theres simply capabilities you can do on home due to other factors. For example, look at any VR system. Or a AR system like Hololens. Perfectly fine to use at home, but not practical to use out and about.
Wii U because they had to adapt to the massive personnel requirements of HD. Where is portable gaming going next? To HD as well. HD is everywhere. they can't sustain developing big beautiful games on two fronts
Dont read too much into statements about HD costing more. Detail costs more, but it isn't directly tied to resolution. PC games have had essentially any variable resolution for decades without issues. In many ways the 3DS is already "HD" in the (wrong) termology of the day when people use it to mean detail. At least, power wise its way more powerful then the first PCs able to push out HD resolutions. (certainly much better shaders).
Also worth remembering that a lot of Nintendo games don't even need detail much - Mario gains nothing from high-res normal maps, or ultra-realistic landscapes. Instead to make sure it looks good at high resolutions you just ensure curves are smoother really. Adding a meshsmooth here and there is comparitively easy 
Other HD improvements - basically smoothness of lines or better lighting - comes completely free once its in the engine.
( Edited 01.06.2015 19:21 by Darkflame )