Completed Version of Star Fox 2 Does Exist

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2015 3

Completed Version of Star Fox 2 Does Exist on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite there being fan-created roms of Star Fox 2, the full, completed game does exist according to Dylan Cuthbert.

Cuthbert, who recently worked on Star Fox Command for Nintendo DS and Star Fox 64 for 3DS, was originally part of Argonaut Software - who devised the ill-fated Star Fox 2 for the SNES. 

In an interview with NintendoLife, he recalled how the studio "went ahead and completed it, taking it to be fully QA'd through Mario Club." Interestingly, during development of Star Fox Command, the team received a copy of the mastered Star Fox 2 ROM to play through as inspiration for the DS project.

"The fully complete Japanese ROM at least does exist," he teased. Despite legal issues with Argonaut Software, Cuthbert urged, "Never say never, though!" We can only hope.

Would you like to play through the finished Star Fox 2? Have you tried out the game's fan-translation yet?

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Our member of the week

The rom flating around the internet was once incomplete, the way I remember it, and only completed by hackers, to be made playable from beginning to end, but it's likely the true completed game is at least slightly different from what was made available on the internet. At least we've got a fan-translation thereof to understand the ins and outs and it's true that Starfox Command did take a lot of inspiration fromwhat could have been on the SNES.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

They should stick it in with the new one, would be a good selling point.

( Edited 22.05.2015 17:05 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
They should stick it in with the new one, would be a good selling point.

Would be amazing to see that and/or a sep VC release! If it's done, would be good - I guess the bloomin licensing is preventing it though. Grumbles.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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