Brave Tank Hero Blasts onto 3DS, Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2015

Brave Tank Hero Blasts onto 3DS, Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Another one of the announced Natsume titles from developer Arc System Works is the action packed Brave Tank Hero.

Publisher Natsume lifted the lid on a pair of upcoming games this week, including Gotcha Racing for Nintendo 3DS, and a new 3D action game for Wii U and 3DS - Brave Tank Hero.

Players set foot in Paradise City to find that it's been invaded! As a soldier, it's time to reclaim the tarnished town by battling through over 50 missions in a tank. There'll be three different vehicle types to use, including "huge and fearsome boss tanks".

Hiro Maekawa, CEO and President of Natsume Inc. commented: "Fans have been asking for more pick-up-and-play experiences they can enjoy in short or long bursts of playtime, and we're happy to be working with Arc System Works to provide exactly that to our fans!" 

Brave Tank Hero will be available this August on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

Are you planning on blasting through the Brave Tank Hero driving seat this week?

Box art for Brave Tank Hero

Arc System Works







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