UCraft Remains Nintendo Exclusive

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2015 3

UCraft Remains Nintendo Exclusive on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk at HullBreach Studios have confirmed that UCraft remains Nintendo exclusive.

The project had been originally pitched as exclusive to Wii U on release, but it wasn't quite certain whether the title would be eventually ported onto other systems going forward.

UCraft is an open-world sandbox game, where players roam about, gather resources, build structures and more, with the Wii U GamePad central to the experience.

Image for UCraft Remains Nintendo Exclusive

In a statement from the game's creator Isaiah White, founder of Nexis Games, he feels that he's "formed a bond with UCraft but also with the entire Nintendo Community," whilst developing the title for the past seven months. "I have come to the conclusion that putting UCraft on anything other than Nintendo Platforms doesn't feel right because UCraft was originally promised exclusively for the Wii U."

UCraft will be available this Holiday season on Wii U.

What do you think of the UCraft concept?

Box art for U Craft








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I am glad that at least some developers keep their promises and does not delay the release because they want to go multiplat and release it on all systems at once, effectively delaying the release half a year.. *cough*Ubisoft*cough*

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Andre Eriksson said:
I am glad that at least some developers keep their promises and does not delay the release because they want to go multiplat and release it on all systems at once, effectively delaying the release half a year.. *cough*Ubisoft*cough*

Weeeellllll for a while he DID. I don't know how far the version for other plats went but, it's been a good few months that it was announced the game would go multiplat, so either some work went into them, causing an overall delay for sure, or saying that it would go multiplat and not work on those versions for months sounds like a big finger given at those. If he didn't care for those in the first place, better not announce them. Especialy I don't get how the game not making its kickstarter goal (I think it had a kickstarter at one point) means the game goes multiplat... it would cost even MORE to develop it on more than one platform, since it requires more time and resources. There's a bit of lack of consistency going on with statements around that game. But the idea of sticking to their original plan is admirable.

Seen a lot of negativity going on around that game. I don't see why personally. The game itself doesn't look bad and I like the idea of being able to create my own cubes and all that, straight on the console. To my knowledge you can't do that on other console versions of the game, at least not quite as easily as you could here with UPaint integration. I imagine how the stick plus touch-screen/stylus could be beneficial to a minecraft experience, and how for people liking to do beautiful, very artsy projects in this type of sandbox games, it would be great for them to be able to craft their own block design themselves very effectively. I can't think of any Minecraft clone or ripoff that does that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Jmanultra (guest) 19.05.2015#3

 The other platforms have the real Minecraft, so it only makes sense keeping it on Wii U, which lacks it.

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