Monochroma Ruled out for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2015 3

Monochroma Ruled out for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

he developer behind cinematic platformer Monochroma, Nowhere Studios, has canned the game on multiple platforms.

In a note to Kickstarter backers, the team confirmed how development on Xbox One "is close to the end," with a release penned for this summer. However, those who opted for a Xbox 360, Wii U, Ouya, PS3 or PS4 won't be receiving copies for these platforms as there were "serious performance problems that we can't overcome without developing the whole game from scratch again."

There's still "a small chance for PS4 development next year but it's quite low as PS4 requires the project to be built on Unity 5."

Were you intending to pick up Monochroma on Wii U?

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This is the problem that keeps cropping up with crowd funded, well anything really.

From high profile projects with expertise at the helm to fledgling start-ups the scene is rife with campaigns that get funded only to pare down the offerings AFTER their cheque has cleared.

Although I do sympathise with their plight and agree that this is, essentially, no strings investing. I have a certain disdain for the, "oops, too hard to deliver what we said we would.... Um, sorry?"

( Edited 17.05.2015 09:06 by satsubatsu347 )

satsubatsu347 said:
Although I do sympathise with their plight and agree that this is, essentially, no strings investing. I have a certain disdain for the, "oops, too hard to deliver what we said we would.... Um, sorry?"

Aye - it is a struggle for the devs, but sometimes it really does look a little like "let's throw in X platform, or XY to appeal to these fans" but on occasion without any real consideration if developing for these platforms is technically and even commercially feasible.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah you would have thought they'd at least investigate all possible platforms, find out what would be required technically for them and work to those parameters before making promises and developing?


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