Dragon Quest VIII Reborn on Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.05.2015 5

Dragon Quest VIII Reborn on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo 3DS is getting even more Dragon Quest love, with a remake of Dragon Quest VIII on the way.

Released back in 2004 (2006 in Europe), the game was originally developed for the PlayStation 2 by Level-5, and saw a re-release on Android/iOS last year.

Confirmed by RPG giants Square Enix today, the game will feature tuned visuals akin to recent Nintendo 3DS efforts, a brand new scenario, StreetPass connectivity and the inclusion of two new characters: Garuda and Morrie (from Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road).

Dragon Quest VIII for Nintendo 3DS will also feature an orchestral soundtrack, performed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra - and voiced events. 

Dragon Quest VIII is out on 27th August on Nintendo 3DS. For more details, be sure to have a gander at the teaser website (JP)

Are you a fan of the original Dragon Quest VIII?

Box art for Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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Our member of the week

Curious to see images of this. I have a hard time imagining the game looking as great as on PS2 on the original 3DS, without the extra oomph of the New 3DS... unless the game will be streamed constantly like the port of Dragon Quest X was.

And, again... I dare not hoping for a western release.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Given Xenoblade 3D took a big hit, think it's clear this won't look as good as PS2 version at all. Good news, nonetheless. But yeah, means nothing to us without a Western release.

I was planning on getting into Dragon Quest properly a good while ago but its lack of a future in the west quickly killed those plans. There are so many games out there, so I'd rather not get invested in a big franchise only to be pissed off by a lack of localisations for future releases.

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
I was planning on getting into Dragon Quest properly a good while ago but its lack of a future in the west quickly killed those plans. There are so many games out there, so I'd rather not get invested in a big franchise only to be pissed off by a lack of localisations for future releases.

We got official releases of IV, V, VI, VIII and IX in Europe, and all the other but X were released in North America, so it's not so bad for playing them in English (not counting spin offs like the Monsters series here). X being an online game, it was pretty much a given that it wouldn't be released outside Japan, though I had heard plans for release of the PC version outside Japan were underway, but that was a while ago and since I seldom game on PC I didn't follow that too much. You can pretty much play the entire series in English then, if that materialises. I have a whole bunch of DraQue games to play that I haven't started yet... including the PS2 version of VIII that I bought like... 8 years ago XD !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
SirLink said:
I was planning on getting into Dragon Quest properly a good while ago but its lack of a future in the west quickly killed those plans. There are so many games out there, so I'd rather not get invested in a big franchise only to be pissed off by a lack of localisations for future releases.

We got official releases of IV, V, VI, VIII and IX in Europe, and all the other but X were released in North America, so it's not so bad for playing them in English (not counting spin offs like the Monsters series here). X being an online game, it was pretty much a given that it wouldn't be released outside Japan, though I had heard plans for release of the PC version outside Japan were underway, but that was a while ago and since I seldom game on PC I didn't follow that too much. You can pretty much play the entire series in English then, if that materialises. I have a whole bunch of DraQue games to play that I haven't started yet... including the PS2 version of VIII that I bought like... 8 years ago XD !
Yeah, I know what's available but I'm talking about future releases. As it looks right now, Square-Enix simply doesn't care and that makes it drop considerably on my list of JRPG franchises I have yet to get really into. I've played IX when it came out and that was it. We'll see what happens with XI I suppose. If it's a regular JRPG again and gets localised, that would motivate me a lot to check out the others.

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