This is the 2015-2016 Wii U Line-up

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.05.2015 2

This is the 2015-2016 Wii U Line-up on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the Nintendo Financial Results briefing, Satoru Iwata outlined some of the new Wii U games on offer.

The company is aiming to maintain momentum for the home console over the coming year with various titles that are primed for release before 31st March 2016. Some of these games include: the vibrant, expansive RPG Xenoblade Chronicles X, charming multiplayer shooter Splatoon, space escapades with StarFox, custom platforming with Mario Maker and much more.

Nintendo are also pushing more unique ideas on the GamePad, including titles that are being lead by Shigeru Miyamoto, like Project Giant Robot.

There are also a handful of unannounced titles on the way for Wii U.

Image for This is the 2015-2016 Wii U Line-up

Which of these games are you planning to grab hold of?

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Xenoblade Chronicles X is my go to Wii U game this coming year.  My wife wants Yoshi's Wooly World.  Splatoon interests me and I hope it is successful, but not likely a purchase.  Mario Maker will be interesting, but I'm on the fence with getting it or not. I'd get DQX if it would come stateside, but I'm not seeing any likelihood that it will come out in other territories. 

I guess including the new games they'll be showing at E3, as well.

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