Nintendo Gains Full Year Operating Profit

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2015 1

Nintendo Gains Full Year Operating Profit on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have posted full year financial results today, generating a profit.

For the period ending March 31st 2015, Nintendo saw an increase in Wii U interest, with sales figures coming in at 3.4 million units (up from 2.7 million during the previous period), and with software sales climbing to 24 million units, up from 19 million.

On the 3DS front, however, Nintendo saw a hardware sales drop to 8.73 million units, from 12.2 million units, with a reduction of software sales too 62.74 million units - higher than Nintendo forecasted, but still lower than the previous period.

The key result to note is that Nintendo generated profit during the fiscal year of 41.8 billion yen, eclipsing the 23.2 billion yen loss during the previous fiscal year. Operating figures saw an increase to ¥24.770 billion yen, up from an estimated ¥20 billion yen.

Despite this, net sales figures overall were down slightly 3.8% to 549.8 billion yen.

For the coming fiscal period, which ends March 31st 2016, Nintendo are forecasting sales of ¥570 billion yen (3.7% increase), but with net income drop to 35 billion yen.

How do you think Nintendo performed over the last twelve months - can the Japanese gaming giant maintain momentum?

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Yes. It is highly likely that next year might be better. I am certain that a new Zelda will move systems and Xenoblade Chronicles X will likely make JRPG fans abandom the PS4 if needed to get it as the PS4 has been EXTREMELY lackluster on that department... SHAME ON YOU Sony almost so I regret buying the PS4 to begin with. I bought the PS4 to play great JRPGs not found elsewhere but was met with almost none at all. Smilie Xenoblade Chronicles X is a godsend for Nintendo and might take away Playstations grasp on the genre for home consoles. I hope so at least, then I only need one system next generation.

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