Yooka-Laylee Gets Orchestral Stretch Goal

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2015 4

Yooka-Laylee Gets Orchestral Stretch Goal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After blitzing through the initial crop of stretch goals, an extra target has been set for Yooka-Laylee.

The project, which is currently on Kickstarter to raise development funds, has seen rapid success in a matter of days. Pitched as an homage to the classic 3D platformers of old, the game is being developed by key ex-Rare staff who contributed to the first two Banjo-Kazooie title - including Steve Mayles, Chris Sutherland, Gavin Price, Grant Kirkhope and many more all-star devs.

The initial Yooka-Laylee stretch goals have already been met - including multiplayer support, language translations, simultaneous console releases, developer walkthroughs and even an N64 shader mode.

The latest target is £1,500,000 - which will ensure that the music in Yooka-Laylee is produced as an orchestral score.

Image for Yooka-Laylee Gets Orchestral Stretch Goal
Image for Yooka-Laylee Gets Orchestral Stretch Goal

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Box art for Yooka-Laylee





3D Platformer



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Cue all the whiney idiots claiming this will "ruin" the classic feeling. :/

I can't wait to see the finished product. Hopefully the success of this game will bring forth a 90s era revival of platformers that aren't from Nintendo. Smilie

Not yet. I might do so though. Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Hay, they already passed their Rap sketch goal, I think thats all anyone really needs isn't it? Smilie

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This gives a rough idea of what the music could sound like, which would be fantastic. As much as I hate Nuts and Bolts, I love the soundtrack and I'm all for an orchestrated soundtrack for Yooka-Laylee. I have a lot of faith in Kirkhope, he's great at recreating that classic Banjo sounding music, even with a live orchestra.

( Edited 04.05.2015 23:15 by Marzy )

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