Xenoblade Chronicles X DLC Packs Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2015 5

Xenoblade Chronicles X DLC Packs Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have outlined what DLC options will be available for Wii U RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles X.

The first batch of additional content will be available from May 8th, split over seven different packages or as as a bundle for 2,000 yen ($16.80/£10.95).

The first four contain new characters, three missions and two unique arts for for 500 yen ($4.20/£2.74) a piece. Three of these contain the required plans and materials to craft new Doll/Skells - Yumbo, Policeman and the Excavator, whilst the last one will contain plans for a new weapon instead.

The other three DLC packs come at a slightly cheaper 300 yen ($2.52/£1.64) a piece, and include six additional quests to boost money, experience and relationship points.

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Box art for Xenoblade Chronicles X





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This sounds like the dark side of DLC Smilie

Would still buy it though..

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Overall I would say they do better than most other companies to be honest. The Fantasy Life DLC was massive (an entire expansion pack) and the DLC for Hyrule Warriors have also been great and very priceworthy and has more than doubled the life of the title. And the mentioned MK DLC is also great.

The Fire Emblem DLC I would also like to argue was ok. But I strongly agree with that Smash DLC could've been a lot more price worthy for the content delivered. Especially as it will very likely eventually include a good character people will have to buy to stand a chance online.

But this might take the cake. I do not know how big the missions are, but chances are high that they are not longer than 20-30 min each making it pretty expensive per hour. Well, for 11 euro for the entire package of 7 I would still see it as acceptable. But it is not good and does not go in line with what I have came to expect from Nintendo on this department.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I don't care what it is or even how good it is, (paid) DLC has no place in a JRPG for me. Alongside Zelda titles, JRPGs are my definition of "complete" experiences and I won't buy any DLC for them because it goes against that very definition. It simply doesn't feel right.

Too early to judge.
Depends how elaborate those "missions" are.

Given the shear size of the landscape, its not like this isn't room for more storytelling and gameplay.

When playing over the first game I thought it was
a) Insane value for money
b) a huge waste that landscape wasn't used for other games too Smilie

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Guest said:
Sir link, i suggest you check out the way fallout 3 and new vegas did dlc. The main games felt complete but the extra content offered new areas and side stories which were just as interesting if not more interesting that the main game. Dead money felt like a survival horror game, operation anchorage felt like goldeneye. Just great individual experiences which enriched the core game

I'm sure I wouldn't have anything against that DLC because Fallout isn't a Japanese RPG. Monster Hunter and the Souls series aren't in that group, either, despite being developed by Japanese studios. I'm fine with DLC in those games, it's just JRPGs like the Tales of or Final Fantasy franchises where I want closure in the initial adventure. I'd much prefer an entirely new game if the developers want to do more with it, just no DLC.

Darkflame said:
Too early to judge.
Depends how elaborate those "missions" are.

Given the shear size of the landscape, its not like this isn't room for more storytelling and gameplay.

When playing over the first game I thought it was
a) Insane value for money
b) a huge waste that landscape wasn't used for other games too Smilie

Really, I don't think anyone could complain about being ripped off considering the sheer amount of value for money the base game will have. You can question the fact that they'll be available shortly after launch, sure, but certainly not the value of the base game.

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