Did You Know Dementium: The Ward Was Originally Pitched as a Silent Hill Game?

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2015 1

Did You Know Dementium: The Ward Was Originally Pitched as a Silent Hill Game? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Amidst all the Silent Hill talk, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham has revealed a connection to Dementium: The Ward.

In a Tweet this week, Watsham noted how the project - originally going by just "The Ward" - was pitched to publisher Konami back in 2007 as "something that could have become a Silent Hill DS game."

The team had approached Konami to see if they wanted to work on merging the concept into a licensed Silent Hill, portable release.

However, minutes later, the pitch meeting ended up with Konami stating that they "wouldn't let a team like us handle the Silent Hill license." Renegade Kid also pitched a third-person experiment using the Dementium II engine, which was also met with a "no".

Inevitably, the studio ended up moulding the concept into Dementium: The Ward.

Do you think Dementium could have worked as an entry into the Silent Hill franchise?

Box art for Dementium II

Renegade Kid







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Ironically they'd be better fitted for it than the companies Konami has hired the last three or four games. There hasn't been an awful Silent Hill yet but it might appear with the absence of Silent Hills...

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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