New Action Shooter, FullBlast, Revealed for Wii U

By Adam Riley 21.04.2015 1

New Action Shooter, FullBlast, Revealed for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EnjoyUp! has today lifted the lid on a new Wii U title by the name of FullBlast, developed by UFO Crash Games, a young indie studio trying to create simple but very enjoyable games. With 3D graphics, power- ups and power downs, plus a heavy metal soundtrack, FullBlast is already shaping up to be an intriguing shooter. Also expected in the final release are achievements, online leaderboards, a two-player mode and Off-TV play for the GamePad,

Many have tried and lost their lives ... it seemed that the war against these damned things would be a cakewalk, but this is taking more than expected, humanity needs you. You're our hero - kill them! Full Blast is a fast-paced action game. Go and save the Earth through an amazing level full of aliens!

Image for New Action Shooter, FullBlast, Revealed for Wii U

What are your thoughts of FullBlast so far?

Box art for FullBlast

UFO Crash







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Our member of the week

If it turns out good, this might be one of my favourite games in Wii U Smilie. Love me some good old shmups Smilie. Can never get enough of those ^_^.

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