Nintendo 64 and DS Games for Wii U Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2015 2

Nintendo 64 and DS Games for Wii U Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have outlined plans to bring Nintendo 64 and Nintendo DS titles to the Wii U Virtual Console.

Now available on the home console, the selection of classic Nintendo titles will take advantage of the GamePad controller, with some offering split-screen capability, like Mario Kart DS, whilst others being shown on the TV only. There'll also be multiple control schemes available for the button-bashing perfectionist.

Image for Nintendo 64 and DS Games for Wii U Virtual Console

Games that supported the iconic Nintendo 64 rumble pack will also shake up, literally, on the GamePad controller. Those who purchased Nintendo 64 games on Wii originally, and have transferred Wii data to the Wii U console will be able to receive a discount price on the tweaked Wii U versions.

Image for Nintendo 64 and DS Games for Wii U Virtual Console
Image for Nintendo 64 and DS Games for Wii U Virtual Console

Which games are you looking forward to downloading on the Wii U Virtual Console?

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Our member of the week

The emulation of DK64 runs OK, but the sound emulation isn't perfect. Some sound effects sometimes play up to 3 seconds late, and sometimes, background music won't start up, this is especially noticeable when going from one area to another, when the music is supposed to fade from one track to another and on starting bonus stages. The latter only happened to me a select few times, but sound effects arriving late happens regularly.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
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Hey has anyone played Mario kart DS Emulated on Wii U how does it play ???

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