New The Great Ace Attorney Footage, Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2015

New The Great Ace Attorney Footage, Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier this week Capcom held a live presentation session, with a look at the latest entry in the Ace Attorney series.

The Great Ace Attorney follows new protagonist Ryuunosuke Naruhodou as he encounters the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, and steps into court to break through lies in testimony.

New details from this week's Famitsu also cover aspects of the game, including a prosecutor whose name translates to "Barock", known to the circuit as "The Death God of the Old Bailey." 

Players are able to question multiple witnesses, and also work at finding contradictions between the differing thoughts from members of the jury. If all the jury members decide on guilty, then naturally players end up losing, but as long as the majority declare not-guilty, players can get by unscathed.

Finally, there'll be a limited edition for the game that includes a 48-page artbook and 10-track soundtrack CD. Folk who pick up The Great Ace Attorney early can also get hold of a free DLC case from 9th July to 19th July called "Randst Magazine Special Edition."


What do you thin of the game so far?

Box art for The Great Ace Attorney








C3 Score

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Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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