Super-Stable Stereoscopic 3D Was Miyamoto's Last Minute Idea for New Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.03.2015 6

Super-Stable Stereoscopic 3D Was Miyamoto

In a revealing interview with Satoru Iwata, he revealed how Shigeru Miyamoto influenced the addition of super-stable stereoscopic 3D to the New Nintendo 3DS.

The Nintendo boss revealed some intriguing tidbits about the company's history, including how the super-stable "3D" in the New 3DS was actually a last minute, eleventh hour addition prior to mass production of the company's latest portable family.

Iwata confirmed that the hardware developers felt they were at the "final stage of prototyping" and were ready for the sign-off for production. However, Miyamoto had "seen that super-stable 3D just one week before" and suggested that "if we don't put this in it, there's no point in making the system." It lead internal engineers to question, "Are we really going to do this?"

Nintendo's teams then were able to bring the technology to the New Nintendo 3DS, and the rest is history.

How often do you use the 3D effect?

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What the hell would it have been called without the 3D? The new Nintendo DS?

I think you're a bit confused about what was last minute; it was the super-stable 3D of the New 3DS, not stereoscopic 3D in the 3DS.   Basically, the New 3DS almost went out with the same 3D technology that the 3DS has had since it was originally made without the face-tracking technology to make it stable.

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Middangeard said:
I think you're a bit confused about what was last minute; it was the super-stable 3D of the New 3DS, not stereoscopic 3D in the 3DS.   Basically, the New 3DS almost went out with the same 3D technology that the 3DS has had since it was originally made without the face-tracking technology to make it stable.

The original title of the news article was misleading. I thought that's what it meant too.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, think there was some misreading there :p I've fixed it up a bit, so hopefully makes sense now.

darkflame (guest) 24.03.2015#5

Yeah, certainly agree with the no-point remark there.

Still, hard to believe the IR Camera needed for pin-pointing the eyes, together with the software side, was put in last minute. 

darkflame (guest) said:
Yeah, certainly agree with the no-point remark there.

Still, hard to believe the IR Camera needed for pin-pointing the eyes, together with the software side, was put in last minute. 

It's entirely possible they were looking to include the IR receiver either way; it's also responsible for auto-brightness.

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