Level-5 Vision 2015 to be the Beginning

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2015 1

Level-5 Vision 2015 to be the Beginning on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese developer Level-5 have started to tease details about the upcoming Level 5 Vision event.

The annual affair, used to showcase the studio's upcoming games and media, is primed to be the start of something big, with this year's subtitle being "The Beginning". Level-5 are gunning for something that's intended to be even bigger than the extremely popular Yo-Kai watch series, with a "next generation major cross-media project" on the way.

In addition to new games and a collaboration title, the event will cover Yo-Kai Watch 3, Fantasy Life 2 and the latest entry of the Professor Layton franchise.

Level 5 Vision 2015 will take place on 7th April 2015 at the Tokyo Done City Hall.

What would you like to see from Level-5 Vision this year?

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Not sure what The Beginning refers to (unless it's a big new IP), but Layton 7 looks really interesting from what they've shown of it. It might be different, but it still looks full of life and character.

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