Nintendo 3DS Tops Sales Chart for February in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2015 1

Nintendo 3DS Tops Sales Chart for February in the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest NPD figures for North America are in, with Nintendo claiming the top spot for top-selling hardware platform during February.

The launch of New Nintendo 3DS XL, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate helped propel the portable platform to new heights. All three products launched on 13th February, and helped seal the deal with just 17 days on the market.

Nintendo 3DS family sold nearly 395,000 units in the US during February, with a majority coming from the newest version - New Nintendo 3DS XL. The revised hardware sold 130 percent more units at launch compared to the original Nintendo 3DS XL back in August 2012.


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D sold more than 515,000 combined units (physical/digital), making it the fastest selling Legend of Zelda portable entry in the US, ever. Likewise Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate saw solid opening figures, topping 290,000 combined units (physical/digital) since launch, making it the fastest selling Capcom title on the 3DS range to date.

Nintendo also touched on figures compared to 2014, with the 3DS family seeing an increase of 90% in hardware sales compared to the same period (January/February) in 2014.

Finally, an update on how Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is doing (3.5 million units), with amiibo coming in at over 1.5 million units sold.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Tops Sales Chart for February in the US

Did you pick up Zelda, Monster Hunter or a New Nintendo 3DS console during February?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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terence (guest) 13.03.2015#1

Already got N3ds Small. Waiting on Majoras Mask limited edition N3ds XL.

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