Fans Work on Dinosaur Planet Tribute

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2015

Fans Work on Dinosaur Planet Tribute on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans have begun work on an animated tribute to the canned original Dinosaur Planet concept.

Many moons ago, British studio Rare had been working on a new IP for Nintendo 64, a 3D platformer/adventure set in a world inhabited by scaly dinosaurs. Unfortunately, many of the original concepts were scrapped, with the eventual release seeing the Star Fox franchise bolted on.

Now a group of keen fans have begun creating what intends to become an animated series, attempting to expand on the snippets of concept art and documents made public. 

Want to know more about the ill-fated Rare project? Aaron has the scoop with our Missing in Action feature. Why was Dinosaur Planet cancelled?


Do you think a Dinosaur Planet fanseries could work? Would you like to see the original concept released eventually?

Box art for Star Fox Adventures








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