Nintendo Asks: Metroid Prime vs Super Metroid

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2015 7

Nintendo Asks: Metroid Prime vs Super Metroid on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Nintendo Minute takes a look at a difficult question to answer: Super Metroid vs Metroid Prime.

A question that some have asked during the lifetime of the agile bounty hunter: Which is the better game, the fan-favourite side-scroller Super Metroid, or the first steps into a 3D world with Metroid Prime

Originally developed by Nintendo R&D alongside Intelligent Systems, Super Metroid was released over two decades ago - in 1994, whilst Metroid Prime offers a more contemporary look, with the space explorer now running about in first person.


Want to see more of Super Metroid? Be sure to have a gander at Rudy's crackin' speed-run attempt:


Which of the pair do you prefer? Is it worth comparing the two when both have their own setup?

Box art for Metroid Prime





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (66 Votes)

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Our member of the week

Super Metroid remains my favourite but to me, it's unquestionable that the two are the pinnacle of the franchise. Wii version of Prime especially, for the controls. They're the two Metroid games that I go back to the most often.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

One does not simply compare two games that are so different and say one is better than the other. It is a taste thing. If one likes the first person view Prime it is and if one prefers ye olde 2D so is Super the way to go.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Andre Eriksson said:
One does not simply compare two games that are so different and say one is better than the other. It is a taste thing. If one likes the first person view Prime it is and if one prefers ye olde 2D so is Super the way to go.

What if a FPS fanatic - like me - loves Super Metroid a lot more? Smilie

( Edited 07.03.2015 17:10 by Ofisil )

Can't a fella drink in peace?

Ofisil said:
Andre Eriksson said:
One does not simply compare two games that are so different and say one is better than the other. It is a taste thing. If one likes the first person view Prime it is and if one prefers ye olde 2D so is Super the way to go.

What if a FPS fanatic - like me - loves Super Metroid a lot more? Smilie

I personally hate FPS games, but I still find Prime more fun than Super.. Smilie They really are different games.. Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Ofisil said:
Andre Eriksson said:
One does not simply compare two games that are so different and say one is better than the other. It is a taste thing. If one likes the first person view Prime it is and if one prefers ye olde 2D so is Super the way to go.

What if a FPS fanatic - like me - loves Super Metroid a lot more? Smilie

I think that would be a fair view because Metroid Prime may be in first person and involve shooting but it is an explorarive, slow paced atmosphere building space adventure game that more often than not, doesn't appeal to fans of shooting games. Smilie

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Neither of them.

Metroid Prime 3 is better than both of them.

its like comparing citizen kane to 2001 space odessy.

if i had to choose, im going with prime.

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