Serve Up a Dish with Cooking Mama 5

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2015 8

Serve Up a Dish with Cooking Mama 5 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Slice, dice, flip and stir as Cooking Mama is returning to the Nintendo 3DS in Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit!

The game, which will be served up on 6th March 2015, sees players working on 60 delicious different recipes - including sandwiches, ice-cream sundaes, fish and more. In addition, Mama needs a little help around the home, and so aspiring cooks will need to dabble in different mini-games to overcome the Cooking challenge.

Those who master the art of wooden spoon will also be able to enter the Cooking Dojo for the ultimate test, where mama awaits.


Will you rustle up a dish in Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit!?

Box art for Cooking Mama 5: Bon Appétit!

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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What is this? A re-release? New eShop version? Releasing in a different territory? I'm confused...

EDIT: I'm really confused. Perhaps the UK didn't get it last year after all Smilie

( Edited 25.02.2015 22:29 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
What is this? A re-release? New eShop version? Releasing in a different territory? I'm confused...

EDIT: I'm really confused. Perhaps the UK didn't get it last year after all Smilie

Yup, came out in US in September. This is the UK release now.

The curse of living in the forsaken lands... (EU) T__T

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I'm stunned there was so much of a delay! Goes to show how badly the CM series does now here in the UK, I guess.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Meh, it swings back and forth, but Europe's been getting it quite good for the last gen or two when it comes to Nintendo. Much rather be in this region than US when it comes to NOE vs NOA, but there are so many pluses and minuses on both sides.

Azuardo said:
Meh, it swings back and forth, but Europe's been getting it quite good for the last gen or two when it comes to Nintendo. Much rather be in this region than US when it comes to NOE vs NOA, but there are so many pluses and minuses on both sides.

+ Reggie
- Everything else

Reggie was ace when he came on the scene for the first few years. Now he's shit. Shibata > Reggie.

Azuardo said:
Reggie was ace when he came on the scene for the first few years. Now he's shit. Shibata > Reggie.


I used to love Reggie, but Shibata is way better now. Reggie just talks standard PR rubbish now, he basically just says the same stuff in every interview and none of it feels like it has any substance. When he first hit the scene he made such an impact with his charisma. I guess he lost his touch over the years. I still love him as a person, I'm sure he's a great guy to be around in real-life, but he's definitely not done as good at his job in recent years.

Also, Shibata has done a lot of great things for Europe, Reggie has made some lame decision for the US market.

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