Pandora's Tower, Sin and Punishment Coming to Wii U in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2015


Did you know that classic Wii games can be downloaded onto Wii U consoles?

Nintendo have put together a nifty trailer as a reminder of must-have Wii titles that can now be downloaded on the Wii U eShop. The games, which include the likes of Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Prime Trilogy, are also playable on the Wii GamePad screen, giving players the opportunity to Wii whilst the main screen is in use.


Nitnendo also touched on a handful of games that will be introduced to the service, in Europe, soon: Pandora's Tower, Kirby Adventure Wii, Sin and Punishment and Punch-Out!!

Which of these games will you download on the Wii U eShop? 

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