Why Nintendo Waited to Release New 3DS in Europe, US

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2015 3

Why Nintendo Waited to Release New 3DS in Europe, US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the New Nintendo 3DS consoles released just over a week ago in Europe and the US, why didn't Nintendo release the hardware in 2014?

The new, revised 3DS hardware introduces improved screens, processing power and additional buttons to the mix, available in two sizes (in Europe) and a single, XL size in the US. So far Nintendo has had some momentum since the consoles landed on store shelves, but some investors were curious as to why it wasn't released during the vital 2014 holiday season.

Addressing concerns during a Q&A session, Iwata noted how "in Europe or the U.S. for example, it takes longer than in Japan for the products to be produced in China and to actually arrive and be lined up in stores."

Nintendo needed to make a decision whether to cause a worldwide shortage of the consoles. Because of this, the company made the decision to launch the hardware in 2015 instead.

He touched on Japan as an example of needing to stagger sales peaks, as the interest in New Nintendo 3DS affected sales of the Wii U during the holiday period.

Do you think Nintendo were wise to avoid launching New Nintendo 3DS last Christmas?

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As a Kiwi, I could have gotten one during the Pokemon ORAS release. As a poor person, I could only gaze enviously at those who did. Smilie

But then, Australia and New Zealand are a fair bit less populated that North America or Europe, so not many needed for us.

Makes sense and over here (usa) the west coast ports have been suffering under a labour strike which has effected a number of industries. still wish they designed the xl with changeable faceplates... Going to be very annoyed if another hardware design is imminent.

Indeed, a combined population of 30 million at the most isn't as many to provide support for as something as large as 1 Billion people!

I still think that Nintendo wanted to clear out some old inventory first but I can also think that producing these things takes time as well.

I doubt Nintendo would have held back intentionally. Even with the Wii those Chinese factories were churning them out as fast as possible and they could keep up with the demand.

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