New Footage of Tactics RPG Liege in Motion

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.02.2015 1

New Footage of Tactics RPG Liege in Motion on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dark fantasy Liege has gotten a brand new trailer for GDC/PAX East, plus new footage of the stunning game in motion.

Inspired by the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics and Nintendo's Fire Emblem series, the game blends a combination of tactical and turn-based mechanics, with intricate hand-drawn graphics and atmospheric environments for a revitalised 16-bit artstyle.

Liege tells the tale of the titular Kingdom of Liege, where the King, Queen and their royal heirs fall into a mysterious slumber - forever. A power struggle ensues and things get fairly problematic for the once prosperous land. The game, intended for a more adult audience, is a drama of conflict with human characters that are forced to wage war for their lives.


The second snippet of the game in motion explores the combat mechanics in Liege, updated and revised for the latest build.


What do you think of the Liege concept?

Box art for Liege



Coda Games





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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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