How Can a Bank Balance Avoid Time Travel in Zelda: Majora's Mask?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2015 16

How Can a Bank Balance Avoid Time Travel in Zelda: Majora

Ever wondered why the bank vault in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is unaffected by time? Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma explains why.

In a recent interview, Aonuma was quizzed as to why Link is able to store his rupees when warping back through time in the game. Quite simply, the team "needed to find some reason for stuff to stay in the game," he recalled, "otherwise you would lose them at the end of every three day cycle." 

To get around this, the team "considered the idea that there would be some kind of markings on Link's hand that maybe you could only see if you shone a black light on them." 

Image for How Can a Bank Balance Avoid Time Travel in Zelda: Majora

It allowed Link to maintain his account because "he retains everything that is part of his person" when returning to the first day.

What did you think of the bank mechanic in the game?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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Yeah, whether it was a stamp on his hand or a stamped ticket, it would tell the banker how much money Link had in his bank. That stamp was proof enough. Always imagined it was a stamped piece of paper or something, but looked like he was slamming it on his forehead instead lol.

Azuardo said:
Yeah, whether it was a stamp on his hand or a stamped ticket, it would tell the banker how much money Link had in his bank. That stamp was proof enough. Always imagined it was a stamped piece of paper or something, but looked like he was slamming it on his forehead instead lol.

Yeah, I always thought he had a stamp that said how many Rupees he had in his account. I suppose you could say the banker should find it suspicious if he has never seen that person before or doesn't own any notes about them but maybe he really doesn't and simply trusts his special invention.

Isn't this pretty old news? But, with this in mind. It creates a fun thing to keep in mind:

Everytime Link withdraws money from the bank he actually STEALS their money in that timeline. What a d-bag.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

The good news is, Termina is saved!

The bad news is some weirdo came out of nowhere and wrecked its economy in less than three days.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I always thought he had an invisible stamp on his forehead. At least I seem to recall the banker said so in the game proper, upon pressing his hand on Link's forehead with that *BONK* sound effect which I always thought was hilarious XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

So basically Link is cheating the blind bank girl by showing an account from an alternate universe... great explanation.

Canyarion said:
So basically Link is cheating the blind bank girl man by showing an account from an alternate universe... great explanation.

Yes. Link is such a heroic gentleman, isn't he? I always felt bad about cheating him as a kid so I never withdrew money from the bank, just inserted them as I wanted to make him happy Smilie. And I got rewarded for my good deeds Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Wait, it's a (blind) girl, right?

Canyarion said:
Wait, it's a (blind) girl, right?

Nope. The beggar/banker NPC is a man.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Bank kid is a dude. I always thought it was a girl, but in the video of Aonuma playing, they refer to the kid as "he" and "him" a few times.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Definitely a dude! Reminds me of:

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Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Definitely a dude! Reminds me of:

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Can't unsee.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

jb said:
Definitely a dude! Reminds me of:

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Why did you have to do this to me? ;w;

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

About time some one screws the banks out of money! 

You could always say that technically the bank in an alternate timeline could be very rich as Link would never withdraw from it...although the world would be totally obliterated...

Well, I also feel guilty for selling off all my stuff to the shady dealer, an hour before he dies and all his wares get eveporated... Oh wait he's a jerk, so I guess it's ok. Smilie

I dont have anything against that dealer as he's friends with Kaefei and a friend of his is a friend of mine. Just because you work at Gamestop doesn't mean you are automatically an ass as I happen to have the majority of my friends work there. And if you are wondering how Gamestop and shady dealer are related, both are pawn shops.

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