Nintendo Rolls Out New Kirby Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2015

Nintendo Rolls Out New Kirby Videos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

To celebrate the release of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse in North America, Nintendo has gone clay crazy.

The game unraveled across North America this week, expanding on the gameplay style of Canvas Curse, where Kirby moves across vibrant levels through paths drawn on the GamePad touchscreen. 

First up is a look at the North American advert for Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, with a snippet of the quick-paced GamePlay and puzzle mechanics.


Nintendo also teamed up with Sierra McCormick on the Nintendo Family Channel for a few DIY tips on creating adorable Kirby-inspired rice cakes. Can you resist their charms and tuck into these delectable sugar balls?


The final video is an episode of Nintendo Minute, where the folk at Nintendo America play through several of the game's levels.


Have you rolled into the world of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse yet?

Box art for Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush
Also known as

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


HAL Laboratory




2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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