How Dungeons are Made in The Legend of Zelda

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2015 3

How Dungeons are Made in The Legend of Zelda on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Just how is a dungeon in The Legend of Zelda conceived? Series producer Eiji Aonuma shares how. 

One of the more memorable features of Legend of Zelda games, particularly the more recent 3D installments, has to be the intricately designed dungeons to conquer. Puzzles, enemies, collectibles mark the recipe for solid adventuring, but just how does Nintendo come up with the dungeon structure?

Talking to Kotaku this week, Aonuma recalls having to think about the initial gameplay concept first, which helps form the dungeon's theme. "For example, are we trying to build a dungeon around puzzle type gameplay, or is action more of a focus?"

After that's all jotted down, the team then ponder how players may use a particular item to interact with the environment. 

However, he feels that "it's important to challenge the orthodoxy of the Zelda series as we're creating new games." 

Do you think Nintendo need to change their approach to dungeons in The Legend of Zelda?

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I keep repeating it so I'll repeat it again; I dont want clear cut dungeons. I dont want to know whats coming!
I love big themed areas with elaborate puzzles....hell yes.
But dont mark up a portion of the landscape as "dungeon" and have it clearly signposted across the game. Let them come as a surprise.
Ditto for everything in them. There shouldn't always be subboss, bosskeys, big boss etc.
Maybe theres no boss? maybe theres three big ones? maybe theres a boss that chases you though all the rooms of the dungeon!
Give us the unexpected!

One of my favorite areas in Zelda was the Yeti's house from TP because, thematically, it was just a house and the boss wasn't really a evil boss.
Mix it all up! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Not surprised that Nintendo designs the games from the right end. It IS important to figure out the concept before creating as the concept is the soul around which the body shall be created.

NO! They shall not change the way they think when they design the dungeons. It is the optimal way to go to make it feel natural. Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

^^ Exactly what Darkflame is saying - have it less signposted, more open and definitely being able to use multiple approaches/items to complete a dungeon. 

maybe theres a boss that chases you though all the rooms of the dungeon!

Definitely - would be great to see/have that kind of encounter, a more recurring boss that isn't as boring as Ghirahim. It's always so predictable these days - for example, see various crystals scattered about = bow/arrow, see circular targets = hookshot. 

One of my fave dungeons ever must be that ice house from TP. Great ideas/concepts there, really felt different.

None of this leaf / fire / water / Pokemon types please, Nintendo.

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