TVii Service Canned in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2015 11

TVii Service Canned in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wanted a slice of the Nintendo TVii pie? The service has been cancelled in Europe.

After months, and now years, of wondering from fans about the future of the online service, it has now come to a close. The main reason was due to the "extremely complex nature of localising multiple television services across a diverse range of countries with varied licensing systems." 

With this in mind, Nintendo of Europe has instead launched the Nintendo Animé Channel, an on-demand service with the likes of Pokémon, Kirby and Inazuma Eleven on offer.

Available as part of the Wii U service in the US, the TVii functionality allows for a personalised TV listings guide, social networking features and the option to see trending shows across the service - by simply plugging into an existing content provider.

Do you think TVii could have worked in Europe?

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"We've cancelled TVii on the WiiU.......BUT there's now the anime channel........on the 3DS......."

I can't imagine it taking them almost 2 and a half years to realise it was too tough to bring TVii to Europe so don't know why they just didn't say this ages ago.

Let's just hope they now remove the TVii icon off the WiiU menu as it'd just confuse new buyers who will be forever wondering what the hell it does. :/

Yeah, this seemed like the case from the start in Europe. There's so many different countries and it would be really difficult to get all the different TV channels on the service. It's cool that iPlayer is at least still coming.

I'm not fussed either way though, I don't think I would have used it much, if at all.

I am a little dissapointed with the Anime channel though, only a few episodes of Kirby and Pokemon. Furthermore the Pokemon iOS app is better than this which has more episodes to it. 

Also, no Inazuma Eleven yet...

it would be nice to have the ability to download episodes for offline use as well.

TVii in Europe is an embarrassment if you ask me, but I guess there is a lot of localisation to be done and I just bet no other TV provider cared to support it with Nintendo.

In the US, the real-time episode feature was powered by a third party service that likely didn't have an equivalent in Europe, especially with all the different countries so I'm not really surprised that never made it over there.

There was also the search feature that connected with various streaming services and sites like Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, and IMDb for information on actors, movies, and shows.

Flynnie said:
I am a little dissapointed with the Anime channel though, only a few episodes of Kirby and Pokemon. Furthermore the Pokemon iOS app is better than this which has more episodes to it.

Also, no Inazuma Eleven yet...

it would be nice to have the ability to download episodes for offline use as well.

TVii in Europe is an embarrassment if you ask me, but I guess there is a lot of localisation to be done and I just bet no other TV provider cared to support it with Nintendo.

If you ask me, Nintendo should be hosting every episode of Pokémon on there. Or at the very least start with the first couple of seasons. Seems weird that they started with some of the later episodes. It could be good, it all depends on how often it gets updated, tbh.

Oh and btw, there is Inazuma Eleven on there. Only like 2-3 episodes, but still.

( Edited 15.02.2015 13:47 by Mush )

It would be so much easier if all companies just used RSS feeds for everything.

Each channel just publishes a RSS feed of their listings.

Then all Nintendo (or anyone else) has to do is tap into those feeds.

That said....broadcast is dieing. Its slow and dragged out, but iplayer,Netflix,Hulu,YouTube and everything else is slowly taking over. In a generation the idea of watching stuff at a specific time will seem ancient and silly.

( Edited 15.02.2015 15:06 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

They probably started with Pokemon Advance to tie in with the Hoenn region in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

TVii should just provide Nintendo licensed TV shows, or as much they can get. It would be awesome if you could watch Pokémon, that Super Mario show, the Zelda cartoons (or not), the F-Zero anime, etc. on the Wii U!

But I already said this 2 years ago......

I have used the NA version of TVii... Bleh. My television provider already has a way for me to easily access what is on TV. The software just adds nothing to either experience (TV or Wii U).

They definitely started with Pokemon Advancd for Ruby and Sapphire, the bottom screen shows an advert for the game! But yea I wish that they had more episodes on there. 

Also, I'm not seeing Inazuma Eleven on there. Only Kirby and Pokemon and only 4 eps of each. Anyone else in the UK only getting this? 

I'm in UK and I get Inazuma Eleven on the anime app on top of the others. 4 episodeS each.

( Edited 16.02.2015 13:30 by Ifrit XXII )

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