Sonic Boom Achieves Less than Average Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.02.2015 12

Sonic Boom Achieves Less than Average Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest holdings report from SEGA highlights less than average sales for the most recent Sonic the Hedgehog outings.

The critically panned pair for Wii U and 3DS, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, didn't quite have the same uptake as past Sonic titles - and that's a combined figure between two distinctive games.

In the fiscal year ending 31st March 2014, Sonic Lost World had sold 710,000 copies, Sonic Generations with 1,850 000 units and Sonic & All-Star Racing Transformed drawing in 1,360,000 new racers across the globe. These million sellers, however, were available on more formats.

Did you pick up a copy of either Sonic Boom title?

Box art for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  1/10

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Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (4 Votes)

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Heard sonic Boom had a huge amount of gliches. Might be why it bombed. Ashame to see to im a fan of Sonic. I still fell they should put SONIC CD on WII U in HD or redo the whole game like the did a link to the past on the 3ds!

Hardly fair to compare them to Generations or All Stars Racing. Better off comparing them against the Story book games and Colours to be honest. 

I love Sonic but these shit performances cannot go on. 

The day that this happens to Mario is the day that platforming dies!

Our member of the week

I haven't played the Wii U one but yeah it does seem abysmal XD.

I played a little of the one on 3DS, cause my little cousin was stuck in it after she got it for Christmas, and... I wasn't very impressed either :/. It's not glitchy or anything but... I don't know it just didn't click, and that's coming from someone who thoroughly loved Sonic Rush on DS. the completely useless map might be one of the reasons why i didn't like it very much Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

IMO Sonic Advance series was better than Rush but it was still a great game Sonic Rush Adventure didn't go down to well with me...unfortunately Sonic handheld entries are struggling as of late. I wasn't a fan of Lost fact there are considerably more sonic games I dislike than what I do like...

Lol, nope. I know I play some crappy stuff. But there are limits..

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Flynnie said:
IMO Sonic Advance series was better than Rush but it was still a great game Sonic Rush Adventure didn't go down to well with me...unfortunately Sonic handheld entries are struggling as of late. I wasn't a fan of Lost fact there are considerably more sonic games I dislike than what I do like...



Heard Sonic Advance was coming out on Wii U next week in japan bet we will get it here soon. Ive never played SONIC ADVANCE. Heard the cridics loved it. Think I will check it out

( Edited 14.02.2015 01:27 by curtiscdragon )

Sonic Advance was awesome!
I used to speed run levels all the time. 

The Wii U one (I played a demo post E3) was bollocks. Worst. Camera. Ever. 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

jb said:
The Wii U one (I played a demo post E3) was bollocks. Worst. Camera. Ever. 

I said it before and wil say it again, there's no such thing as a good camera system in any 3D Sonic game XD. Sega should just stop trying, purely and simply, they're just not good at it. Colours was good but that had a side-view camera most of the time is memory serves right.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I said it before and wil say it again, there's no such thing as a good camera system in any 3D Sonic game XD.

Believe me, Rudy, it was the worst camera - EVER. You'd run up to a set of platforms, for example, and the camera would flip-round and you wouldn't be able to correct it. Happened on multiple occasions. *shudder*

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I just don't get how it went so wrong, I don't know what happened to my Sonic Advance cart but I still have 2 and 3 knocking around. Sonic Advance 2 was probably my fave. 

I literally don't get why they can't emulate their success with these games again. 

Moreover, GBA games really need to be put on the 3DS eShop. It's ruddy ridiculous that it's not! 

I used to hate the camera in Sonic Adventure and Sa2 , I put up with at the time but playing the Wii u demo took me back 15 years! 

I wonder why they didn't include Super Smash Bros sales; everybody knows that is the best recent Sonic game.

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