Rumour: Netflix Working on Zelda TV Series

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.02.2015 18

Rumour: Netflix Working on Zelda TV Series on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk at leading streaming provider Netflix are working on a live-action Legend of Zelda, according to reports.

Based on the classic, much-loved Nintendo series, the show will follow the adventure of Link, who sets out to rescue Princess Zelda within Hyrule. The company currently is seeking writers to pen the show's storyline, describing the production as "Game of Thrones for a family audience."

Despite the concept being discussed, it has yet to be in the works as Netflix is apparently still in the process of finding those all-important script writers. Beyond this, Nintendo or Netflix may decide to can the project before it goes into production.

Neither Nintendo nor Netflix have commented on the report, so naturally it's marked as a rumour for now.

Do you think a live-action Legend of Zelda series could work?

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I was really excited to hear this today.

This is the key thing:

Netflix is said to be working closely with Nintendo

I like the netflix exclusive shows i seen so far so it could be good! 

Wouldn't remotely work if they think it will be anything GoT like.
Now, I haven't seen that much of GoT but I am pretty sure the attraction lies in a large cast of people with varying motivations, backstabbing, politics and intrigue. Its not a straightforward fantasy adventure.

Even ignoring the "sex and gore" it seems utterly tonally the wrong objective for a Zelda series.
Yes, a Zelda series would need to be more complex then the games.
But the aim should be very much more in line with, say, a typical Ghibli fantasy film. Its closer to a fairy tale then high drama. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I have one major objection around this is that we are very used to not hearing Link speak...I like the idea of this but I feel like they could really cock this up. 

With that said I felt like the augmentation of games IP had me obsessed with Mario and Sonic in the early 90's. My bedroom was like that moment in Toy Story where Andy decorates his bedroom with Buzz light year merch. I spent my childhood reading Sonic comics, Watching the various Sonic cartoons, having sonic teddies etc etc. Even Mario cartoons worked well. In fact I felt that the 90's did a good job hooking me into those franchises. Perhaps it is why I'm so into those franchises all the way up to today.

hopefully this Zelda series and the new rumoured Mario movie can help a whole new generation of kids/teens get  in to Nintendo!

Link would hardly be the only game protagonist to go from not speaking to speaking. Hell, he might be the only one from the NES days who hasn't found a voice yet.

Mario, Sonic, Jak, Isaac Clarke, Pit, Samus, every obscure NES character resurrected for Smash Bros., the list goes on. People (including Nintendo) often cite how fans might be disappointed, but that didn't stop anyone from doing it before.

Link's not a real silent protagonist anyway. He makes enough sound that people have a general idea what his voice is. Besides, he speaks in The Adventure of Link and Wind Waker, the latter being actual audio dialogue, albeit brief.

Seems like fans make an exception when it comes to both Link and English-speaking Marth. Don't know why. Even then, Nintendo is giving Marth an English voice actor in Code Name S.T.E.A.M., so they're probably not going to hold off on this kind of thing forever.

I think as far as this potential show goes, there's never been a better time to make Link talk. The series has never been presented in a photorealistic or live-action fashion before, not in an official capacity. I'd argue that's a bigger change than giving Link the ability to speak, so there's reason enough to throw that in there, too.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Ok so lets look at the facts.

Link doesn't talk and the time we ever have actually heard real voice casting was in Zelda Tetra Trackers. Now although getting the rest of the cast to speak wont be that big of a deal I haven't seen a good TV show where the main protagonist does anything besides grunting.

So assuming Link speaks what other great Nintendo character had thousands of disappointed fans when the silent protagonist found their voice?

Metroid. Now yes you could argue that Fusion had her speak but that is irrelevant as the Netflix show isn't going to use textboxes for dialogue. So back to Other M. I loved that game btw, I actually own 2 copies cuz its so good.

Now when Samus gained her voice most people didn't like her talking because of both how it was new, but for those with constructive feedback they felt she lost her powerful stature and became a wuss.

So they need Link to just be a strong hero of stature right? Not so much actually.

When you look at the driving force of most decent TV shows the protagonist is the narrator or at least has a side the average person can connect to. A good counter argument would be a show like Elementary in which Sherlock Holmes is so much if a genius everyone has to look to Watson for support since Holmes' nature is so bizzare.

So when you put it into perspective sure it could be good for a while but you know some group of fans are going to be ticked off. Not because it is bad but more because it destroys their image of Link as the silent protagonist.

But hey, thats all just a theory.... a gAME... nah im not him lol.

Oh just one more thing to add.
*cough cough
*clears throat

Well excuuuuuuse me Princess!!

Samus spoke in Metroid Prime, but most of it was cut out. Anyway, of all of the things I've seen people complain about regarding Other M, Samus's voice was never one of them.

Also, they're clearly not making this for fans who would be ticked off by its existence. I mean, the top, I don't know, hundred comments on the reddit post about this were all "please no" and "I hope it gets axed before it's made" and all other kinds of closed-minded nonsense. Those people won't be happy no matter what, so why take their opinion into account when making the show? They literally want to hate it, so they'll find a reason to, no matter what.

NNID: crackedthesky
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As long as they get a good personification of Link with a voice and it sounds like Link I wouldn't mind a tv series, but does anyone else think that it would work much better as an animated series? I can't really see everyone as actual people, and CGI for non human characters would look odd amongst them


@Viendra - I would say people were not pissed off with Samus talking in Other M but it was more what she was saying and how she was saying it! They also weakened her and made her look like a dependant bitch!

( Edited 09.02.2015 02:49 by Flynnie )

I'm excited for a live-action rendition, but I am worried about the effects. Costumes and location are also going to be pretty pricey for something like this, so I hope the quality doesn't take a hit.

I'm surprised Netflix didn't team up with Polygon Pictures again. A 3DCG show could be amazing. Polygon did Knights of Sidonia with Netflix (which is a good show, but it runs at like 15 frames per second and makes me nauseous). They're also doing Ronia the Robber's Daughter with Studio Ghibli, which already looks very Zelda-like in terms of character design. That kind of art style would serve the series well.

Live action can work, though. Game of Thrones is pretty high quality, though they've had to cut some of the magical events that occurred in the books. But a Zelda show would have a much smaller cast (Game of Thrones has like 500 main characters, lol) and the need for major effects would probably be more spread out.

It can work, they just have to be careful. As far as production companies go, Netflix is probably the best place for this. They don't have to answer to anyone, they make their shows on their own time, as they see fit.

And I think Nintendo's involvement is a good thing. They're behind Pokemon after all, which is one of the longest-running cartoons (top four in Japan, pretty high up worldwide) so they definitely know how to keep a show running.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Hmmm I don't know how involved they are in Pokemon, I would have thought that would have been more about The Pokemon Company dealing with that rather than Nintendo directly

crackedthesky said:
I'm excited for a live-action rendition, but I am worried about the effects. Costumes and location are also going to be pretty pricey for something like this, so I hope the quality doesn't take a hit.

In terms of costs for this sort of thing its going to be locations and horse's. That sort of things a non-stop money burn.
Monsters arnt that bad by comparison - unless you need a CG character on screen the whole time.

Still, far easier to get it right if it was animated. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The Pokemon Company is an offshoot of Nintendo meant to handle their Pokemon related affairs. I imagine they could do the same with a Zelda show; form a small team dedicated to making sure the show lives up to their standards.

I hope for more humanoid creatures like Moblins and Zoras they go for practical effects and not full CG.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Darkflame said:
crackedthesky said:
I'm excited for a live-action rendition, but I am worried about the effects. Costumes and location are also going to be pretty pricey for something like this, so I hope the quality doesn't take a hit.

In terms of costs for this sort of thing its going to be locations and horse's. That sort of things a non-stop money burn.
Monsters arnt that bad by comparison - unless you need a CG character on screen the whole time.

I don't think cost will be an issue. Netflix is known for throwing tons of money towards their original shows. Compared to "normal" television budgets, the budgets for shows like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Marco Polo are insane.

Game of Thrones costs an average of $6 million per episode to make
Netflix allotted $9 million per episode for Marco Polo.

While budget doesn't guarantee or determine quality, any lack of quality won't be because of the budget.

( Edited 10.02.2015 04:42 by Sonic_13 )

Personally i think they should create a Fire Emblem show instead...that would actually rival Game of Thrones and it even has raunchy scenes in it!

Sonic_13 said:

I don't think cost will be an issue. Netflix is known for throwing tons of money towards their original shows. Compared to "normal" television budgets, the budgets for shows like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Marco Polo are insane.

Game of Thrones costs an average of $6 million per episode to make
Netflix allotted $9 million per episode for Marco Polo.

While budget doesn't guarantee or determine quality, any lack of quality won't be because of the budget.

I didn't know that. This makes me feel even better!

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Flynnie said:
Personally i think they should create a Fire Emblem show instead...that would actually rival Game of Thrones and it even has raunchy scenes in it!

Of course I do admit Zelda II : Adventure of Link had its raunchy parts as well hehe...

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