Splatoon Lacks Online Communication

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2015 9

Splatoon Lacks Online Communication on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More details on Nintendo's ambitious new shooter, Splatoon, were covered in Japanese magazine Famitsu.

A translation for the report explores some of the finer details of the gme, including a new "Hero Mode." In this part, players put their 3D platforming skills to the test, with a strong emphasis on "human-squid transformations" to progress.

The article also explained some of the online mechanics, which will see eight human players duke it out over the airwaves, with no CPU player in sight. Interestingly, only once eight players have been found, will the match begin. There will be no communication, however, with players within the team - there were discussions on giving orders to team mates, but matches were too quick for them to be useful, so this aspect of the game was removed.

To get around this, Nintendo want to encourage the use of the map, to see what areas need to be covered (with a heap more paint).

A bit more on the team - primarily made up of staff who worked on the Wii U launch games, and wanted to try something unique. The musical score is mainly written by Tooru Minegishi, who has had input in the Mario, Animal Crossing and Legend of Zelda franchises.

Finally, the group didn't think about using the Bloopers from the Mario series, apparently forgetting they had even existed.

What do you think of the online and Hero modes?

Box art for Splatoon








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Couldn't they at least map commands to touch screen or some of the buttons. Something like "follow me" or "guard here" ,  "stay here" etc etc. Otherwise as an online strategy shooter this would be deeply flawed!

I wish Nintendo wasn't allergic to players talking to each other... This will still be awesome but come on guys step it up.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

I guess this was to be expected given it's Nintendo, but... ugh. Seriously, come on Nintendo. Get with the times already.

They don't even have basic in-game messages for teammates. Communication is crucial in any team based multiplayer game.

Why do they have such a problem with this sort of thing?

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Because of sick old people trying to child snatch and play with kiddies bits! 

Someone needs to start a petition to show Nintendo that their customers want this kind of functionality in their games. Nintendo really is in the dark ages when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Personally it does not affect me too heavily. I always play online with mute (unless with friends) as I hate all the internet though guy trash talkers whose thumbs can not deliver the checks their mouths have written. It gets tiring after a while..

With that said, I use the MUTE function. I do not want it taken away for everyone who wants this kind of feature. It is very useful for strategic communication, which is great.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I'm more concerned about an option to team up with friends and take your squad against random teams online, because that's something Skype can't fix. Still wish they had this kind of feature in Smash U for For Glory doubles.

Agree on that... That is a make or break if they want this game to even get remotely relevant in the genre.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
epic_benj (guest) 09.02.2015#9

awesome i dont have to be constantly muting screaming children all the time : voice chat in online games is overrated rarely do ppl actually use it for tactics. i bet they will have friends only chat. anyhoo ppl dont take the article too serious xD its a nintendo game no one will know what the game will be like untill its in our hands.

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