I didn't mean to belittle what YouTubers do, I guess it came across that way and I'm sorry. I just meant the fact that you're getting paid money when a good chunk of the work is playing video games, something you'd be doing anyway, should be reward enough. It seems a little odd to complain the return should be higher. You're already using YouTube, where you don't have any server fees or posting limits, a lot of them get free copies of the games they're playing, not to mention how many famous YouTubers have gone on to careers in voice acting, doing network bumps, etc.
Ten years ago, getting paid to make home movies wasn't really a thing. It just sort of boggles my mind how quickly the conversation jumped to "I should be making more money doing this."
I should also make it clear that most of the people I see complaining aren't famous YouTubers, so maybe these complaints are coming from people who think making a living off of YouTube should be a lot easier than it apparently is.
For what it's worth, I think Nintendo should probably take a few steps back and let people keep 100%. What I think a lot of people don't realize is that Nintendo is doing this because they're very controlling over how their products are projected into the world, they always have been (just look at how they used to ban their games at tournaments, or how upset Sakurai got when people posted all of the Subspace Emissary videos online). The fact that they went from that to sponsoring game tournaments and creating this program in such a short amount of time shows their potential to keep with the times, and I think it sends a wrong message for people to lambaste them for it.
NNID: crackedthesky
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