Expanded ZaciSa Heading to the EU Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2015

Expanded ZaciSa Heading to the EU Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An expanded version of ZaciSa's Last Stand will be localised for Europe, confirmed developer ZeNfa Production this week.

Known in Europe as ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimension!, the game will include a wealth of new content, modes and additional features not present in the original release.

The studio is promising an additional 12 maps, some which have multiple bases, and cross-over themes with PING 1.5+ and BLOK DROP U. The latter cross-over level, for BLOCK DROP U, will also include a co-op feature where Wii Remotes are used to get rid of blocks on the screen.

There'll also be three difficulty moves (Hard, Easy, Endurance), local/online leaderboards, local co-operative play - all running at a smooth 60 frames per second.


The current plan is to release the game towards the end of March, with a discounted offer price of around €1.49 / £1.19

Bought the original US release? Have no fear, as there will be additional content available as part of a download.

Will you give ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimension! a go on Wii U?

Box art for ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimension!








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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