Speedrunner Sets New Super Mario World Record on Physical Version

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.01.2015 3

Speedrunner Sets New Super Mario World Record on Physical Version on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One speedrunner has set a new console record for Super Mario World, finishing the game in under six minutes.

"SethBling" recently took on the game, not emulated, on an original SNES console, performing a glitch that had not been publicly performed on a physical copy of the game before. The "Credits Warp" glitch allows players to essentially blitz the game in minutes, skipping the final Bowser encounter with ease.


What did you think of the glitch - have you tried to replicate it?

Box art for Super Mario World





2D Platformer



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Bucky (guest) 23.01.2015#2

I wonder how many tries it took him to get everything just right.

What the hell! How long did it literally take him to figure that out! Lol got to love his reaction when he did it though.

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