Rumour: Terraria Building onto 3DS, Wii U?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2015 10

Rumour: Terraria Building onto 3DS, Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: Terraria is rumoured to be heading to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS at retail, according to US retailer GameFly.

Developed by Re-Logic, the game features a blend of exploration, crafting and combat within a randomly generated side-scrolling 2D World. Think Super Metroid meets Minecraft in a bright, bustling and ever-evolving landscape.


Till now, the game has yet to see a release on Nintendo platforms, and is already available on formats including PS3, PSN, Xbox 360, XBLA, Android, iOS and more.

For more on Terraria, be sure to read our review on the PS4 version.

Would you play a Wii U or 3DS version of Terraria?

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When Terraria came out I thought it was a hideous re-imagining of Minecraft. Then it gained tons of popularity and I've heard nothing but praise for it. If it did come to Nintendo platforms, I might be swayed to finally give it a try on Wii U. Technically I don't have to wait though, I have received it for free on both my Vita (PS+ game) and phone (Amazon Store Free App of the Day).

I think it could work very well on Wii U and 3DS (it'll most likely be New 3DS only; the dev has stated in the past that the 3DS hardware can't run it). I imagine the touch screen for both could show like a zoomed-in version of the area around the character for touch screen control and better object placement. That would be neat.

I've said before I don't like the game, but I've been looking to give it another shot on PC. Maybe I'll get around to that sooner rather than later.

NNID: crackedthesky
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benoit489 said:
When Terraria came out I thought it was a hideous re-imagining of Minecraft. Then it gained tons of popularity and I've heard nothing but praise for it. If it did come to Nintendo platforms, I might be swayed to finally give it a try on Wii U. Technically I don't have to wait though, I have received it for free on both my Vita (PS+ game) and phone (Amazon Store Free App of the Day).
When Terraria first came out, I thought it looked like a great 2D alternative to Minecraft. However, they're in a completely different league of their own. Terraria is geared more towards progression and actually has objectives/bosses to fight. Minecraft, on the other hand, is focused purely on survival.

I think it would be great to see both of them released on Nintendo platforms, tbh. I know I'll be picking this up again on Wii U, if this is the case. Smilie

I've been playing Terraria all night. I remember what I hated about it (absolutely no useful in-game info, you have to spend hours reading/watching videos online to figure out the basic game mechanics) but once you get past it it's a fun, addictive game.

Not sure I'd re-buy it, they would have to throw in some good stuff. Like I said, touch screen controls come to mind.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

crackedthesky said:
I've been playing Terraria all night. I remember what I hated about it (absolutely no useful in-game info, you have to spend hours reading/watching videos online to figure out the basic game mechanics) but once you get past it it's a fun, addictive game.

Not sure I'd re-buy it, they would have to throw in some good stuff. Like I said, touch screen controls come to mind.

Actually, the seemingly useless Guide is rather helpful, surprisingly. Smilie

( Edited 22.01.2015 16:16 by Mush )

Mush said:
crackedthesky said:
I've been playing Terraria all night. I remember what I hated about it (absolutely no useful in-game info, you have to spend hours reading/watching videos online to figure out the basic game mechanics) but once you get past it it's a fun, addictive game.

Not sure I'd re-buy it, they would have to throw in some good stuff. Like I said, touch screen controls come to mind.

Actually, the seemingly useless Guide is rather helpful, surprisingly. Smilie
Yep. Pretty sure we kept trying to murder and get rid of him until we realised a fair bit later that you can give him materials and he'll tell you what recipes they're required for. No replacement for an almighty wiki, but it's definitely something.

Which also reminds me, Minecraft is even worse when it comes to explaining stuff in-game. You're pretty much spawned into a world, expected to know what to do. Not only that, but the crafting recipes are more difficult, due to the fact that you have to actually arrange the materials in the correct place of the crafting square.

Obviously there's a tutorial in the console version and a noob-friendly crafting system, but I think the console version of Terraria also has tutorials and the likes. I'd need someone else to confirm this though. Smilie

I had no idea you could give stuff to the guide. All I knew was he kept saying stuff like "build a house!" but not telling me at all how lol.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

crackedthesky said:
I had no idea you could give stuff to the guide. All I knew was he kept saying stuff like "build a house!" but not telling me at all how lol.
Not sure, but I think that feature was added in an update, because I don't remember it being around before me and SirLink did our playthrough of it. Then again, I do have a bad memory sometimes. Smilie

Guest 23.01.2015#10

I would get this but... "published by 505 games" these guys gimped how to survive with no online & no future dlc AND making the infamous wii u port of sniper elite V2 with no online, no dlc, no leraderbords and charging 60 buck for that! REALLY!? I know nintendo home consoles are for 1st party tiltes only but MY GOD AT LEAST TRY 505 GAMES & OTHER 3RD PARTY DEVS! -___-

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