Club Nintendo to Be Discontinued Worldwide

By Az Elias 20.01.2015 8

Club Nintendo to Be Discontinued Worldwide on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's customer loyalty scheme will be discontinued this year, with a new programme taking its place.

Club Nintendo has allowed members in most regions of the world, including Europe and North America, to register their Nintendo hardware and software to their accounts, earning Stars (EU) or Coins (NA) in the process, which can then be turned in for exclusive items in the respective online Club Nintendo shops.

However, Nintendo has decided to discontinue Club Nintendo in favour of a brand new membership loyalty scheme, with information on this upcoming programme coming in due course. As a special offer for those that sign up for the new scheme during the launch period, members will all receive a free copy of long-awaited 3DS eShop drawing application Flipnote Studio 3D.

Current Club Nintendo members still have the opportunity to register their products and spend their Stars or Coins for a limited time this year, with Nintendo promising to continue adding goods to the online stores to spend the currency on.

Below are the full details on the cut-off points for registering games, spending Stars/Coins and when Club Nintendo accounts will be cancelled.

European Club Nintendo Discontinuation Schedule:

April 1st 2015: From this date, Nintendo will no longer include product registration cards with its packaged games, so such products cannot be registered in Club Nintendo. You may still find product registration cards in games that were in stock before this date, however.

April 20th 2015: Termination of the registration of digital products downloaded from Nintendo eShop. Digital products obtained from Nintendo eShop after this date will no longer appear in the My Registered Games & Systems page in Club Nintendo. In addition, surveys for download software titles will no longer be available.

September 30th 2015: End of Club Nintendo programme. All Club Nintendo features, such as signing up as a new member, logging in as a registered member, earning Stars, and exchanging Stars for items from the Stars Catalogue will no longer be possible from this date.

North American Club Nintendo Discontinuation Schedule:

January 20th 2015: Products released after this date are not eligible for registration with Club Nintendo

March 31st 2015: Last day to earn Coins, register products with Club Nintendo, and sign up for new Club Nintendo membership

June 30 2015: Last day to redeem Coins or access your account on the Club Nintendo website. Club Nintendo program shuts down at 11:59pm PT on 6/30/2015.

For further details on the discontinuation of Club Nintendo in each region, please see the following official webpages:

- Nintendo Europe Club Nintendo Discontinuation Information
- Nintendo America Club Nintendo Discontinuation Information

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Good riddance. The rewards got extremely poor compared to during the GBA/GC days, and it was run in a very backwards way, where I ended up losing more points than I could register, meaning I could never buy any of the more expensive stuff.

Looking forward to a much better run and rewarding scheme in the future, and hopefully for more regions.

Bet this is the successor...

Image for

*Internet gets all sad it's ending, like it's the end of the world*

*Internet spends all their stars now*

1) They'll be replacing it, hopefully with a far better system (some saying it'll be more like PSN and it'll all tie in better) and also we get Flipnote Studio 3D, which I never thought would make it over here. This could be a great thing! I'm certainly happy about it for now. Obvisouly we'll learn more about the replacement system soon, then we can form a proper opinion on it.

2) The Stars Catalogue won't be down till September, which is 8 months away. Nintendo have said they'll be adding new items up until that date, so people using their stars now might miss out on something really cool.

( Edited 20.01.2015 14:26 by Marzy )

Soon to be replaced by 'Nintenboxliveplus' where they give out rubbish free games every six years and the reward points are worthless.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

I'm seeing this as pretty good news, actually. If the successor is built off NNIDs, we could end up seeing it tying in with the digital storefront that was prototyped a few months back. This could be the start of some great strides for Nintendo's online presence (because let's face it, the current Club Nintendo is designed awfully).

Like others, my thoughts are mostly "good riddance". I like a lot of Nintendo's angles and game styles, but even I couldn't really defend Club Nintendo, it was utterly archaic and I've been thinking for ages that it needs a complete reboot. Happy it's finally happening, hopefully in line with a more unified NNID system or something Smilie

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So as soon as I heard about this I was pissed and immediately thought all my 1400 coins were going to waste, but then i heard "we will add dozens of downloadable games and a limited quantity of exclusive reward items to the rewards catalog in February"
Here's hoping that those "Exclusive" reward items are good and not more Nintendog postcards. I need to spend my coins!!!

Also I'm happy to hear they are revamping it since it's been a huge let down year after year getting crappier each release of rewards. 
Perhaps we'll get good stuff like Japan in the next update? I would love to get a hold of some of those Enamel Pins!

Thanks to Flynnie for tip? Come on guys! 

I am hoping that it will get linked with the NNID and that you will be able to transfer VC stuff back and forth between 3DS and Wii U. 

Im thinking they could down the road of paid subscription similar to PS+ where you get certain games free or can play a number of VC titles over the course of that month etc. 

For all of ClubNintendo's flaws they have done some decent promotions as of late, such as registering 3 games and get 1 for free,  Mario Kart 8 free game promotion, Smash Bros CD and Mewtwo. Plus you didn't need to spend any of those stars on any of the gifts so not bad. 

However the gifts in the stars catalogue are shite. The best thing I got out of it was the SNES controller for Wii U. 

lol Flynnie mate. We had the news before you sent the email. We appreciate it, though. But use the news tips function, too!

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