Nintendo Breaks New US Records During December 2014

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2015 11

Nintendo Breaks New US Records During December 2014 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have confirmed a strong performance for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS last December in the US.

The stronger line-up for Wii U this time round helped Nintendo see hardware sales for the home console increase by 29% and software up by more than 75%, compared to sales in 2013. Both Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U were over 1.7 million physical and digital units and 1.3 million physical and digital units, respectively, in 2014.

With Nintendo launching into the interactive figure market with amiibo, the figures are nearly twice the sales of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, the company confirmed.

On the portable side, Nintendo 3DS had its largest month to date for first-party software sales - with titles like Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Pokémon racking in the figures.

During the year, 16 Nintendo 3DS games sold at least 250,000 units in the US alone, and half of those sold more than 500,000 units. Three of those top 16 titles reached the 1 million unit milestone. The top 15 bestselling handheld titles were all released on Nintendo 3DS.

Do you think Nintendo can keep this momentum going into 2015?

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Awesome Nintendo!

(and 2.6 million Amiibo...just in North America!  - 15 of which are mine!)

Am i the only one who immediately thinks everytime he sees that picture of Brendan (pokemon male protagonist) that he's gonna stab someone with that screwdriver? Im just saying, there are plenty of other ways to hold one of those.

Viendra said:
Am i the only one who immediately thinks everytime he sees that picture of Brendan (pokemon male protagonist) that he's gonna stab someone with that screwdriver? Im just saying, there are plenty of other ways to hold one of those.
I'm pretty sure that he's actually holding a bunch of secret base flags in his hand, not a screwdriver. Smilie

SirLink said:
Viendra said:
Am i the only one who immediately thinks everytime he sees that picture of Brendan (pokemon male protagonist) that he's gonna stab someone with that screwdriver? Im just saying, there are plenty of other ways to hold one of those.
I'm pretty sure that he's actually holding a bunch of secret base flags in his hand, not a screwdriver. Smilie

Ah, I was wondering what those were, I just assumed since it was the only plausible thing I could come up with seeing as he rides a bike. I don't know jack about pokemon lore man, dafaq is a Secret Base Flag?

I played like 200 hours on Ruby, I only beat the Elite four in this ruby remake doh, haven't done much afterwards

( Edited 16.01.2015 06:16 by Viendra )

Viendra said:
SirLink said:
Viendra said:
Am i the only one who immediately thinks everytime he sees that picture of Brendan (pokemon male protagonist) that he's gonna stab someone with that screwdriver? Im just saying, there are plenty of other ways to hold one of those.
I'm pretty sure that he's actually holding a bunch of secret base flags in his hand, not a screwdriver. Smilie

Ah, I was wondering what those were, I just assumed since it was the only plausible thing I could come up with seeing as he rides a bike. I don't know jack about pokemon lore man, dafaq is a Secret Base Flag?

I played like 200 hours on Ruby, I only beat the Elite four in this ruby remake doh, haven't done much afterwards

In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, you can claim the flags of other secret bases you visit. I think they're used for unlocking more furniture etc. but I'm not sure since I haven't bothered making my own secret base.

trip (guest) 16.01.2015#6

Fuming . Nintendo eStore Now displaying pre-orders of the amazing special editions New3ds Majora and Monster Hunter...but SOLD OUT. What am I to do,how can I survive? Oh well pre-ordered my Skull Kid edition, so some solace.

looks like Iwata is going to keep his job.

trip (guest) said:
Fuming . Nintendo eStore Now displaying pre-orders of the amazing special editions New3ds Majora and Monster Hunter...but SOLD OUT. What am I to do,how can I survive? Oh well pre-ordered my Skull Kid edition, so some solace.

Yeah thats how I felt when I went into Gamestop 30 minutes after opening and they were sold out. I was like "HOW??!!" but guess it's just a real hot item. Good news is those of us who are New 3DS owners (not XL) can swap out our covers whenever we want so that's A perk. Shame they only sold them in Japan and Pal. At least I got my Steelbook Majora's Mask Case still! (Cost me about as much as a New 3DS anyways)

I don't get amiibo at all.

But I'm happy Nintendo had a decent holiday. Hopefully with the New 3DS, they'll be setup well to remain profitable for a while as they prepare for what comes next.

Good news all around.

Yes, they'll have to continue momentum.  They've got WiiU out of its rut, and they don't want to derail the train now.

Jacob4000 said:
I don't get amiibo at all.

But I'm happy Nintendo had a decent holiday. Hopefully with the New 3DS, they'll be setup well to remain profitable for a while as they prepare for what comes next.

Yeah i dont actually care much for amiibos its just im going to collect them all so when a whole lot of every amiibo is worth something more than what i paid for i can take advantage of that.

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