Project Treasure Announced for Wii U

By Chris Leebody 14.01.2015 2

Project Treasure Announced for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During today's Nintendo Direct presentation, a new game with the working title of 'Project Treasure' was announced from Bandai Namco producer Katsuhiro Harada, best known for his work on the Tekken series.

Details are scarce at the moment with only a brief announcement trailer; however it is known to be exclusive to the Wii U and will be free-to-play featuring 4-player co-op.

Box art for Lost Reavers

Bandai Namco


Bandai Namco





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Well free-to-play so I'll definitely be checking it out. Obviously almost nothing to go on, but the basic premise could be interesting.

Now THIS is something I was not expecting.  A new third party title.  From NAMCO, of all people.  Then again, considering their recent success with SMASH, it's alost not surprising.  Hopefully this will continue to lead to better results.

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