New Nintendo 3DS Releases in Europe and North America February 13th

By Chris Leebody 14.01.2015 2

New Nintendo 3DS Releases in Europe and North America February 13th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's Nintendo Direct has confirmed the official release date for the New Nintendo 3DS and  3DS XL in Europe and North America. Both versions of the New 3DS will launch on 13th February.

This announcement of a European and North America release follows from the launch of the console in Japan in October of last year.

Both versions of the New Nintendo 3DS feature a number of hardware upgrades from the previous iteration of the Nintendo 3DS, including a new C-Stick which allows for dual-analogue control, as well as vastly improved 3D capabilities, which now take advantage of head tracking cameras to improve the range of angles players can view the system's stereoscopic 3D effect.

The systems also boast an improved battery life and processing power as well as a change of memory propriety from SD cards to Micro SD cards.

The New 3DS XL will be the only version releasing in North America. That is, the standard and smaller version of the New 3DS will not be available in that region. Both versions will be releasing in Europe, however.

Image for New Nintendo 3DS Releases in Europe and North America February 13th



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Feel so sorry for everyone that bought the New N3DS for 200% the original price, even though all they had to do was wait a month. Ha.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Thank god UK is getting the black smaller 3DS. Looks great. Smilie

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