Wii Games Coming to the Wii U eShop

By Lex Firth 14.01.2015 16

Wii Games Coming to the Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have confirmed in their latest Nintendo Direct their plans to bring classic Wii games to the Wii U eShop.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has already been made available for download, with next week (22nd January) bringing Donkey Kong Country Returns to European and Japanese consoles, while American Wii U owners will be able to download the Wii re-imagining of Punch-Out!!.

On 29th January, the games will be joined by Metroid Prime Trilogy in Europe and America, while Japan will receive Kirby's Return to Dreamland. The latter will come to Europe under its localised name of Kirby's Adventure Wii.

Other titles on the way include Pandora's Tower and Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies.

The Wii GamePad can be used as the controller for those Wii games compatible with the Wii Classic Controller.

All games will be half price at £8.99 on the week of their launch, with a normal price of £17.99.

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Metroid Prime Trilogy for £9?!?!?! Best deal ever?!?!?! :O

I wonder if these look better on HDTVs than playing in Wii Mode?

Hmm - I did wish these were remastered though, spruced up in HD. Would love to play, officially, a Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2 combo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Will these support Off TV play?

edit* since Nintendo said that titles that were compatible with the classic controller will be able to use the Gamepad, Metriod was Wiimote + Nunchuck only so this is a no go Smilie
The below may come in handy. Believe it or not Donkey Kong didnt use the classic controller?

( Edited 14.01.2015 20:25 by cafc4eva )

cafc4eva said:
Will these support Off TV play?

edit* since Nintendo said that titles that were compatible with the classic controller will be able to use the Gamepad, Metriod was Wiimote + Nunchuck only so this is a no go Smilie
The below may come in handy. Believe it or not Donkey Kong didnt use the classic controller?

You can already play Wii games via Off TV Play and the Game Pad has a built in sensor bar, so having to use the Wii Remote does not prevent the use of Off TV Play.

( Edited 14.01.2015 21:39 by Sonic_13 )

Have to say I am sad it likely rules out the possibility of Galaxy or Prime HD.

Given it took them six months to do WWHD, I would have thought it'd be easier and quicker to do Galaxy HD. Not so much Prime 1/2/3, but I imagine since Galaxy was a Wii game, it would have been technically easier than remastering a GC game.

Does the fact they are re-releasing Galaxy 2 indicate Galaxy 1 HD could still happen..?

It's good to easily get hold of rare/expensive Wii games, doing this, though. Just a shame the file sizes will likely force people to buy HDDs. Shame the Wii U HDD isn't bigger.

Our member of the week

Gotta say, Nintendo is handing it to me right there! Kirby Wii has to be the only BIG Wii game that I wanted and which I didn't own yet and... I've got JUST 10€ of credit left on the eShop^^. Seeing the price that this game normally goes for, I won't let the opportunity pass Smilie. I wish you were able to INSTALL your Wii discs onto the system itself though Smilie.

Also I think Kirby Wii was playable with a classic controller. Riiiiiight ?

EDIT: Damn... i guess not, that's too bad :/

Image for

(Back of the box would show the classic controller logo alongside the "4 wii remotes" one if that was the case).

Sonic_13 said:
You can already play Wii games via Off TV Play and the Game Pad has a built in sensor bar, so having to use the Wii Remote does not prevent the use of Off TV Play.

Yeah but playing off-TV with controls OTHER than those built onto the Gamepad itself is kinda silly :/. I wish games only playable with wii remotes held sideways would map the buttons onto the gamepad itself. Say DKC Returns ? You could play using the D-Pad + A & B and shake the gamepad to roll. Would work perfectly IMHO.

Speaking of which!! I seriously hope that you'll be able to play classic controller Wii games that you own on disc with the controls of the gamepad too!! Since you'll be able to do so on downloaded ones, it's a feature they should support when playing from the discs themselves as well...

( Edited 15.01.2015 00:47 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Hmm, I have to admit, thinking about it, Metroid Prime Trilogy at the cheap price is very tempting. But were the two Prime games ONLY playable with Wii remote and nunchuk combo? I am very much used to the GC controller for those games, and can't remember how I felt using Wiimote in Prime 3. I imagine I got used to it well enough, but I assume traditional controller is out of the question for Prime 1 and 2.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
Hmm, I have to admit, thinking about it, Metroid Prime Trilogy at the cheap price is very tempting. But were the two Prime games ONLY playable with Wii remote and nunchuk combo? I am very much used to the GC controller for those games, and can't remember how I felt using Wiimote in Prime 3. I imagine I got used to it well enough, but I assume traditional controller is out of the question for Prime 1 and 2.

Yep, all three games were only playable with the wii remote and nunchuk, I don't even think you could plug in a gamecube controller on your wii and play with it on this re-release. But yeah, for the price it's well worth it (and I personally DO prefer the wiimote + nunchuk controls on the first two games, cause being able to aim manually WHILE moving feels much more natural Smilie ).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, that aiming while moving sounds great. Been so long since I played Prime 3 I don't remember how it played. I don't recall any big issues, so I must have found it fine. Spending so much time in 1 and 2 on GC makes me think I'm so much more used to traditional controller lol.

Hmm... it's very tempting.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
Yeah, that aiming while moving sounds great. Been so long since I played Prime 3 I don't remember how it played. I don't recall any big issues, so I must have found it fine. Spending so much time in 1 and 2 on GC makes me think I'm so much more used to traditional controller lol.

Hmm... it's very tempting.

Also the trilogy pack added true wide-screen support and, for us europeans, finally progressive scan support, which truly sealed the deal for me, cause the games looked s much sharper that way, making even the Wii version of 1 & 2 the definitive ones IMHO.

Ooooh that actually reminds me, I wonder how it'll work with the old Nintendo WiiConnect24 feature which was required to unlock all the bonus content!! You had to send "tickets" to other players and receive "tickets" from them too in order to obtain green "credits" required to unlock all the galleries and stuff. I wonder if that feature will be supported on this eShop re-release. It better be!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Good point. Can't imagine they'll be editing any code to auto-unlock things for us or alter ways in which we can obtain them. They might just be locked entirely, but would be nice for them to give us some way to obtain them by communicating with other friends.

Some impressions and info about these downloadable Wii games on Wii U here:


Seems Wii U acts as the loader, because as soon as you boot the game, the OS switches to Wii mode. This also means the game will pick up any Wii save data you happen to have on your Wii U from previously playing Wii games on the system.

Doesn't sound too worth it given I can get them on my Wii. Sounds like it's only worthwhile for those who defo haven't played certain games before and can't get them anywhere else, like Kirby Wii in Rudy's case. Obvs MP Trilogy is rare/expensive too. For me, the SD image quality and potential borders isn't appealing.

Hopefully Galaxy 1 possibly gets an HD remaster...

I already own all these games bar Punch Out. I do have Metroid Prime Trilogy (I bought it brand new for £20 when GAME were having a clearance) 

However as it's still sealed I never played it! So I will be picking this up for sure, it's a terrific bargain for £9! Although would have preferred to have it in HD though... This also will reduce the price of the physical copy own Smilie 

Azuardo said:

Seems Wii U acts as the loader, because as soon as you boot the game, the OS switches to Wii mode. This also means the game will pick up any Wii save data you happen to have on your Wii U from previously playing Wii games on the system.

That's a shame but I guess it's great for those struggling to get games like MP Trilogy for a decent price.

One important point though, games that had Classi Controller support can be played on the gamepad right? I wonder if this means disc based games will get that option to? Would love to play certain Wii VC/Disc games on the gamepad off-tv.

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
Some impressions and info about these downloadable Wii games on Wii U here:


Seems Wii U acts as the loader, because as soon as you boot the game, the OS switches to Wii mode. This also means the game will pick up any Wii save data you happen to have on your Wii U from previously playing Wii games on the system.

Awww that's lame :/. It sounds like they didn't want to  work out the trouble of actually running them in Wii U mode, it's Nintendo being as cheap as they were with the GBA Ambassador games running in DS mode on 3DS. But I guess at least that means that in a future software update, the ability to play classic controller compatible games directly on the Gamepad will be added to the Wii mode, and it won't be a feature exclusive to the downloadable games.

EDIT: I understand how some people feel sour about how Nintendo handled this, because it totally is just a shortcut on the Wii U menu to play an iso of the game without any value added, and in the case of people owning the discs already, it's really only paying up to £17.99/€19.99 for a frigging shortcut! Should be able to do this with your own disc, even if it requires a check online to ensure that one copy of the game can't be installed on several different systems, to avoid piracy.

( Edited 15.01.2015 09:29 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ifrit XXII said:
Azuardo said:

Seems Wii U acts as the loader, because as soon as you boot the game, the OS switches to Wii mode. This also means the game will pick up any Wii save data you happen to have on your Wii U from previously playing Wii games on the system.

That's a shame but I guess it's great for those struggling to get games like MP Trilogy for a decent price.

One important point though, games that had Classi Controller support can be played on the gamepad right? I wonder if this means disc based games will get that option to? Would love to play certain Wii VC/Disc games on the gamepad off-tv.

i thought youve been able to do that ever since they allowed Wii mode to run on the gamepad? 

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