Bomber's Notebook to be Revamped in Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2015


The Bomber's Notebook will be spruced up in the 3DS version of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

The Bomber's Notebook was a crucial part of the original release, letting players keep track of different quests and things to do within the three day cycle. However, the book will get an upgrade in the 3DS version, according to series producer Eiji Aonuma.

In an interview, he recalled a conversation with Shigeru Miyamoto, father of the Legend of Zelda series, who felt that "there were a lot of users who finished the original without even noticing all the hidden events scattered around the town."

Aonuma notes how the book uses both of the 3DS screens, where it acts more like an "electronic notebook" that helps lead players to the game's events.

What do you think of the change in design this time round?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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