Villager amiibo Goes Female in Fan Mod

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2015 3

Villager amiibo Goes Female in Fan Mod on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The amiibo mods are coming in thick and fast, with one fan sprucing up the Villager figure.

The Nintendo community has received the interactive figures with a fair bit of creativity, with some working on pallet swaps, others plonking on different figures, and now even swapping genders. There isn't an official female Villager amiibo just yet, but one fan decided to do just that by swapping gender and even tweaking the packaging for good measure.

Image for Villager amiibo Goes Female in Fan Mod
Image for Villager amiibo Goes Female in Fan Mod

Have you customised your amiibo figures? If so, be sure to send a picture or tag @cubed3 on instagram.

Would you like to see Nintendo introduce different gendered amiibo characters, for example Wii Fit Trainer?

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Transgender Villager ahoy! Pretty well-done, though you can still see it was a boy before.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Easily one of the best Amiibo mods I've seen.

never heard of one but love it FC3DSFC3DS 1521-5366-6088

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