Ball or Nothing Bouncing to Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2015

Ball or Nothing Bouncing to Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio Nexis Games is bringing another digital download project to Nintendo's home console.

In debut footage of Ball or Nothing, the premise of the game is shown - move a ball to the goal through tricky, futuristic 3D levels, collecting items and avoiding obstacles as a  Ballzee McGee. "Take part in an adventure and claim what's rightfully yours. Roll your way to victory."

The game has been submitted to lot-check, with an aim to release it across North America soon.


What do you think of the Ball or Nothing concept?

Box art for Ball or Nothing








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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