Modded Waluigi amiibo Fetches $199 on eBay

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2015 7

Modded Waluigi amiibo Fetches $199 on eBay on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One modder has created, and sold, a Waluigi amiibo figure using the Luigi base.

With Waluigi not appearing in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U as a playable character, fans still want the devious chap to have a little love. The figure has been plonked onto the Luigi base, so of course still registers as Luigi in the game.

The Waluigi amiibo also appears in a custom box with his own cheeky mug on the supporting artwork.

The amiibo sold for $199.99 US on eBay.

Image for Modded Waluigi amiibo Fetches 9 on eBay

What other characters would you like to see modded into amiibo form?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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This guy needs his own game, stat. Something like Conker's Bad Fur Day. Smilie

@Phoenom- I agree, we have all seen Waluigi in Mario Kart and in Smash bros, yet when else have we really seen him (besides a few sports games)? I think he does deserve his own game, sometime in the future, yet what sort of game?

( Edited 05.01.2015 08:28 by georg3 )

Waluigi's Bad-a day-a* starts of with Waluigi going around in mushroom kingdom eating strange mushrooms all night and pulling pranks on everyone in the Mushroom kingdom. He now has to hurry home so his girlfriend baisy does not get too upset about him staying out all night.

However, the evil Luigi is trying to stop him from getting away as he apparently robbed the royal castle during one of his pranks. With the help of Wario Waluigi must fend of Luigi and his evil squad of Mushroom Kingdom soldiers in an epic adventure including bosses such as The Almighty Shroom.

Rated AO for adult content.

*game does not exist and this is only an imaginative picture about what the game could be like if it was actually made...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

So pretty Much Super Luigi Brothers? Yeah....

@georg3, wait, do you mean to say Waluigi for both times you said Luigi? or do you just mean Luigi? 

Only reason I ask is because Luigi has had 2 of his own games so far just saying. 

As for Waluigi yeah I would like an exclusive game along with one for Daisy too! 
Toad, Mario, Luigi, Wario and even Peach! have had their own games. It's time the other 2 get some love!

@Viendra- the first time, yes, but the second time I was trying to mock the idea of how similar a Waluigi game would be to other Mario games.

Andre that sounds like the Best. Game. Ever!

Right then let's get coding so we have a prototype to show Nintendo. XD

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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