New Mighty No. 9 Footage, Inafune Message

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.01.2015 9

New Mighty No. 9 Footage, Inafune Message on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last week comcept shared new footage of Mighty No. 9 in action, together with a message from creator Keiji Inafune.

In his greeting, Inafune confirmed that the game is on its way next year, with the team now working on the porting and promotion stages over the coming months. "We'll be burning midnight oil here, working hard everyday all the way to launch."


What do you think of the latest snippets of Mighty No. 9?

Box art for Mighty No. 9





2D Platformer



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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dont trust this man.
he is the reason why capcom went down that whole "appeal to the western market" road which killed DmC, Resident Evil, Lost Planet and why they outsourced to western developers.

he left capcom not because of megaman, but because they wanted him to resign for ruining the company.

Nope, Nope sorry I doin,t agree. Kenji Inafune Is a visonary that was very restricted by the rules and regulations of a corporation. Time and time againg working at capcom he was not able to make the game he wanted to make . Because of bigwigs and coporate rules and regulations he felf the game lost there essence. He loath for the days were they wer small group making games not hundreds. Utimately Keji wanted his freedom to create his own games. He even stated that doing things the way they have  been has not been working any more and that the big Japanese developers should be more open minded.

( Edited 05.01.2015 20:57 by curtiscdragon )

"Keiji is not a creator, he is a businessman"

-Hideki Kamiya

sorry, but no.
im gona trust the guy who actually worked with him.

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Kenji Inafune has made some amazing games and I have to admit im a fan and a Slaker Backer for the Mighty Number 9 DLC....I feel if it were just about money he would have stayed at Capcom but he did not. He basicaly ran the company plus he was just premoted . Plus if you remember  Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo back in 2008 way before Kenji in 2010 (  Itagaki may have started the movement. ) I am a big fan and advocate for Japanese games. I do fell they have lost somthing compared to back in my day the 90s when some of them were king. As a fellow artist and a person that works in coperate america i can undersand how the big wigs calling the shots can take a toll on a person. That why i was so glad when he decided to do his own thing and create his own company.hese doing what he loves that what matters. Smilie 

curtiscdragon said:
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Kenji Inafune has made some amazing games and I have to admit im a fan and a Slaker Backer for the Mighty Number 9 DLC....I feel if it were just about money he would have stayed at Capcom but he did not. He basicaly ran the company plus he was just premoted . Plus if you remember  Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo back in 2008 way before Kenji in 2010 (  Itagaki may have started the movement. ) I am a big fan and advocate for Japanese games. I do fell they have lost somthing compared to back in my day the 90s when some of them were king. As a fellow artist and a person that works in coperate america i can undersand how the big wigs calling the shots can take a toll on a person. That why i was so glad when he decided to do his own thing and create his own company.hese doing what he loves that what matters. Smilie 

he didnt stay at capcom because they wanted him to resign for making all kinds of choices that ruined them and put them in the red.  it happened before with sakaguchi leaving square too, when he made spirits within.

what you might not realize is that Keiji is one of those corperate bigwigs you dislike so much. he markets himself as a artist, but fact is he isnt creative at all. do not believe his lies.

( Edited 06.01.2015 18:52 by Insanoflex )

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Ok ok I see I cannot sway you. it sounds like he may have burned you some how. (sorry again im a fan)  But being an artis and an anspiering game creator I feel i can relate to some of his whoas of the industry.
 Plus I hope he can help put Japanese games back on the map like they used to be. Im sorry hese the best.  Go MIGHTY NUMBER 9 !

curtiscdragon said:

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Ok ok I see I cannot sway you. it sounds like he may have burned you some how. (sorry again im a fan)  But being an artis and an anspiering game creator I feel i can relate to some of his whoas of the industry.
 Plus I hope he can help put Japanese games back on the map like they used to be. Im sorry hese the best.  Go MIGHTY NUMBER 9 !

im an artist as well and i have worked on a few games and expansions that are available to the public.
i will tell it to you straight.  i have experience and i understand the current game industry climate.

do not trust this man.

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Wow you win have your opinion and i have mine about a person we have never met and do not know my opinion to me he will always be the greatest game creator and developer ever. im 36 ive been playing his games for the last 30 years or more. im sorry and you or know one else will change that ....if you doint trust him fine doint....but as long as he keeps doing what he loves making games me and him will be burnt out and dryed up and tiered again you win, you win, your a wrighter for this sight im just a mega man fan for 30years i give.. (please doint reply)

( Edited 07.01.2015 16:14 by curtiscdragon )

curtiscdragon said:
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Wow you win have your opinion and i have mine about a person we have never met and do not know my opinion to me he will always be the greatest game creator and developer ever. im 36 ive been playing his games for the last 30 years or more. im sorry and you or know one else will change that ....if you doint trust him fine doint....but as long as he keeps doing what he loves making games me and him will be burnt out and dryed up and tiered again you win, you win, your a wrighter for this sight im just a mega man fan for 30years i give.. (please doint reply)

"keiji is not a creator, he is a business man"

-Hideki Kamiya
(creator of Devil May Cry, viewtiful joe, Okami, Bayonetta, scalebound)

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