Tetris Removed From 3DS eShop

By Lex Firth 01.01.2015 8

Tetris Removed From 3DS eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tetris has been removed from the 3DS eShop.

Both the original Game Boy Tetris and the 2011 retail release (known in North America as Tetris Axis) are no longer available to download, as previously announced by Nintendo. The removal has taken place across both the European and North American eShop services.

No reason has been given for the removal, but it has been speculated that it may be due to the release of Ubisoft's Tetris Ultimate on 3DS, as well as Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PS Vita and PC.

Box art for Tetris
Also known as

Tetris Axis




Tetris Online





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Hope that isn't really the reason - if they're worried about competition from a Game Boy game, they probably need to be putting more effort into their new releases...

Real shame considering the PS4 version of Ubisoft's Tetris Ultimate runs like a shocking pile of shit. I imagine the 3DS version fares better, but the music is bad. That people are being stripped of better options for Ubi's game is very sad.

I think Tetris DS is still widely regarded as one of the best Tetris editions, so I'd opt for that if people can find it.

It wouldn't surprise me, honestly. Ubisoft haven't exactly been known for their good business decisions lately.

Az has very wise words here, Tetris DS was a god send and was great to play online at the time. I think it's best version of Tetris by far. i could imagine it's a bit hard to find these days though. 

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Ikana said:
If they're worried about competition from a Game Boy game, they probably need to be putting more effort into their new releases...

lol, that's exactly my thoughts Smilie ! Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Tetris DX is by far the best version.
When that came out it blew my mind.

pause (turns GBC off) (turns it on again) unpause...resumes playing.


( Edited 02.01.2015 17:43 by Darkflame )

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For me, like Az' said, Tetris DS is still the unchallenged one. I haven't played all of them for sure, but having played the NES ones (both versions thereof, the Nintendo and Tengen ones), The Game Boy (Tetris, Tetris 2 and Tetris DX) the SNES one on the Tetris & Dr. Mario compilation, and then Tetris DS, Tetris DS is by far my favourite of the bunch. Never played the N64 ones or any others (Tetris for the original Macintosh in black and white, barely counts in my eyes, I don't like playing Tetris with a keyboard, same goes for Tetris Friends on Facebook, though I managed to map the controls to a Nintendo controller and had fun with that as well Smilie ).

Tetris DS needs to get re-released digitally IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ikana said:
Hope that isn't really the reason - if they're worried about competition from a Game Boy game, they probably need to be putting more effort into their new releases...

Well, right before the newest (disastrous) SimCity came out for PC, they took the SNES version off of the Wii's Virtual Console, so it's not unprecedented.

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