Why was Bandai Namco Recruited for Super Smash Bros?

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.12.2014 6

Why was Bandai Namco Recruited for Super Smash Bros? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Super Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai recently explained why Bandai Namco were recruited to work on the latest games.

The studio, famed for fighting franchises like Tekken and Soul Calibur, lent a hand to Sakurai, helping craft Super Smash Bros. games for 3DS and Wii U.

The main reason is "there was only this one company", Sakurai recalled, that was based in Japan, who could work on a "large-scale fighting fame." He felt that it would be "quite difficult" for other studios to put together something as ambitious as Super Smash Bros.

He noted how Kid Icarus Uprising had some issues as team members were assembled from several different studios.

Do you think Bandai Namco were the right fit?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Cool Mabey with all this work with Bandai Namco mabey we will get TEKKEN 7 on Wii U !!!

( Edited 31.12.2014 17:40 by curtiscdragon )

Guest 01.01.2015#2

curtiscdragon said:
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Cool Mabey with all this work with Bandai Namco maybe we will get TEKKEN 7 on Wii U !!!

I'd love to see it on wii u too, but tekken 7 uses Unreal engine 4, so it's not happening, plus bandai namco pretty much screwed nintendo fans over (especially wii u owners). pac man museum getting canned on nintendo platforms EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO POINT IN CANCELING THEM like even if the wii u version did bad, namco would have made more money on that then cancelling it, no tales game on wii u, no soul calibur 2 hd online on wii u despite the gamecube having a version back in the day, no pokken tournement on wii u (that's likely going to be a 3ds game tbh), no dragon ball/naruto games and project cars getting pushed back on wii u FOR NO REASON by the time they distributed the game. I'm picking up TTT2 on wii u but It'll be used so bandai namco won't get MY money. I had it with them! >=(

( Edited 01.01.2015 21:31 by Brando67854321 )

Brando67854321 said:
 no tales game on wii u

Tis' a sad day where a console can't bag itself a Tales of game... Tis' also the reason I own a ps3, 4 and vita.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything
Guest 05.01.2015#4

Sandy Wilson said:
Brando67854321 said:
 no tales game on wii u

Tis' a sad day where a console can't bag itself a Tales of game... Tis' also the reason I own a ps3, 4 and vita.

whatever! even if I agree. I'm SKIPPING OUT on buying anymore namco games on any platform I'm sick of giving them my money! >=(

Brando67854321 said:
I'm SKIPPING OUT on buying anymore namco games on any platform I'm sick of giving them my money! >=(

To be fair though they did a good job with Smash.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything
Guest 05.01.2015#6

Sandy Wilson said:
Brando67854321 said:
I'm SKIPPING OUT on buying anymore namco games on any platform I'm sick of giving them my money! >=(

To be fair though they did a good job with Smash.

I still think they were a HORRIBLE idea because of all the things I mentioned!

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