Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.12.2014 5

Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The creator of the Metroid II fan-remake has shared new screenshots of the project in action.

Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R) is a long-running fan-driven game that takes the classic Game Boy adventure Metroid 2: Return of Samus and remakes the tale in GameMaker: Studio. Areas and the game engine itself have been spruced up, and sections also use custom tilesets, too.

AM2R also includes minibosses, new areas, stackable beams and updated enemy AI for a tougher, but more streamlined, challenge.

Image for Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake
Image for Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake
Image for Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake
Image for Latest Snaps from Metroid II Fan Remake

What do you think of the Another Metroid 2 Remake so far?

Box art for Metroid II: Return of Samus








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It really bothers me why Nintendo can't do this themselves. This is the only Metroid that really sticks out like a sore thumb and really could be done with a spruce up! 

Makes me pine for a Super Metroid HD even more. Well done.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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I'm not sure I like that he chose Metroid Zero Mission as the template, especially for Samus' sprite, as I prefer vastly the look and feel of Super Metroid, but the whole thing looks awesome. I played a few of the demos that he's put out over the years that this project has been going on, as I've been following that project since way back in 2008 (hard to believe that project has been ongoing for so long heh?), though I still have to try out the very latest demo. But looking better and better for sure!!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Flynnie said:
It really bothers me why Nintendo can't do this themselves. This is the only Metroid that really sticks out like a sore thumb and really could be done with a spruce up! 
I think this is exactly why Nintendo don't bother with it. They want to remake famous games because it guarantees sales. They're not interested in improving their lesser known/sold games... Smilie

Canyarion said:
Flynnie said:
It really bothers me why Nintendo can't do this themselves. This is the only Metroid that really sticks out like a sore thumb and really could be done with a spruce up!
I think this is exactly why Nintendo don't bother with it. They want to remake famous games because it guarantees sales. They're not interested in improving their lesser known/sold games... Smilie

To be honest I am surprised they even bothered with Zero Mission...but because they did it gives me false hope that they will get around to this.

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