Meow! Cat User Purrs in Bravely Second

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.12.2014 2

Meow! Cat User Purrs in Bravely Second on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the Jump Festa this week, RPG giant Square Enix revealed a new character and various job classes in Bravely Second.

The much anticipated sequel to Bravely Default is set to expand on the original 3DS RPG with additional classes and mechanics to tuck into.

New character Minette Goroneze has a "cat user" job class, with weapons like brass knuckles at her disposal. The class, as the name suggests, involves summoning cats for powerful special moves - depending on the items used. Moves include things like "Consume," "Slugger," "White Window," and "Book Burning."

Image for Meow! Cat User Purrs in Bravely Second
Image for Meow! Cat User Purrs in Bravely Second

In addition to the "Cat User" class, Square Enix also confirmed the new "Astrologist" class, with its holder being an "elderly fortune teller."

What do you think of the new classes in Bravely Second?

Box art for Bravely Second: End Layer



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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This is the second cat-user I have ever heard of in any game .__.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
Our member of the week

Looks liek the girl is always neko-this, neko-that judging from those two pieces of dialogue scenes Smilie. I like the idea ^^.

French video maker Joueur du Grenier already had the idea of a ridiculously impressive summon of cats in a scene from a special episode on RPGs, see video below (if it doesn't start at the right time, it's between 4:01 and 4:10)

( Edited 22.12.2014 11:42 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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