First Trailer for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest

By Az Elias 20.12.2014

First Trailer for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first trailer for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest reveals gameplay footage of the upcoming rhythm game featuring tunes from Square Enix's Dragon Quest series.

Developed by indieszero, the team behind the previous Theatrhythm Final Fantasy titles, gameplay looks to be very much near identical to the last two outings, aside from some small differences.

Battles look to take the form of a first-person perspective to represent Dragon Quest's combat style, with notes falling from top to bottom, unlike left to right as in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Event Music Sequences seem to have the mark locked in place, whereas it moved over the fixed notes in the FF versions. Otherwise, it looks to retain pretty much the same format, with characters levelling up as tracks are completed.

Theatrhythm Dragon Quest will release in Japan on 26th March.

Box art for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest



Square Enix





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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